© 1995 - 2014 by Jennifer Runner. http://users.elite.net/runner/jennifers/ | ||
Sa [sax] (Vanuatu.) | ||
Ranpangran entô | morning greeting in the Panngi dialect | |
Ranlopwas entô | nighttime greeting in the Panngi dialect | |
O mbetô nga? | how are you? in the Panngi dialect | |
I mbetô nga | reply to O mbetô nga in the Panngi dialect | |
O metea bê? | where are you going? in the Panngi dialect | |
O mamra bê? | where have you been? in the Panngi dialect | |
O metea be? | where are you going? in the Harop dialect | |
O mamra be? | where have you been? in the Fatsare and Harop dialects | |
O mfa be? | where are you going? in the Fatsare dialect | |
Saami, Inari [smn] (Finland.) | ||
Tiervâ | general greeting | |
Tiervâ tiervâ | reply to Tiervâ | |
Tierv ajn | reply to Tiervâ in the Äimä dialect | |
Tiervâ puohháid | general greeting spoken to a group | |
Pyeri peivi | general greeting | |
Pyeri iiđeed | morning greeting | |
Pyeri eehid | evening greeting | |
Pyeri ijjâ | nighttime greeting | |
Mii kulloo? | how are you? | |
Pyeri kulloo | reply to Mii kulloo | |
Pyeri | reply to Mii kulloo | |
Maht mana? | how are you? | |
Pyereest mana | reply to Maht mana | |
Takkâ, pyereest | reply to Maht mana | |
Takkâ, pyereest mana | reply to Maht mana | |
Takkâ koijâdmist, pyereest | reply to Maht mana | |
Mana aaibâs pyereest | reply to Maht mana | |
Pyereest mana, takkâ koijâdmist | reply to Maht mana | |
Pyereest puáttim | welcome greeting | |
Pyeripuáttim | welcome greeting | |
Tiervâpuáttim | welcome greeting | |
Tiervâ tupan | welcome greeting spoken at a house | |
Saami, Kildin [sjd] (Russia: Kola Peninsula.) | ||
Тӣррв | tiirrv: general greeting | |
Тӣррв, тӣррв | tiirrv tiirrv: general greeting | |
Тӣррв я̄лак | tiirrv yaalak: general greeting spoken to one person | |
Тӣррв е̄лльбэдтӭ | tiirrv yeellbedte: general greeting spoken to a group | |
Пӯррь пе̄ййв | puurr pieyyv: daytime greeting | |
Шӣг пӣйвенҍ | shiig piiyven: daytime greeting | |
Пӯррь ӣнцэ | puurr iintse: morning greeting | |
Шӣг ӣнцэ | shiig iintse: morning greeting | |
Шӣг ӣнцканҍ | shiig iintskan: morning greeting | |
Пӯррь е̄кьнэ | puurr yeekne: evening greeting | |
Шӣг е̄кьнанҍ | shiig yeeknan: evening greeting | |
Пӯррь ыйй | puurr iyy: nighttime greeting | |
Шӣг ыйй | shiig iyy: nighttime greeting | |
Кōххт я̄лак? | koohht yaalak: how are you? spoken to one person | |
Кōххт е̄лльбэдтӭ? | koohht yeellbedte: how are you? spoken to a group | |
Шиггтэнне я̄ла | shiggtenne yaala: reply to Кōххт я̄лак | |
Шигтэнне, па̄ссьпе | shigtenne paasspe: reply to Кōххт я̄лак | |
Па̄ссьпе, шигтэнне, пуэраст | paasspe, shigtenne, puerast: reply to Кōххт я̄лак | |
Пӯррь пуэдäнт | puurr puedänt: welcome greeting | |
Пӯррь пуэдтҍмушш | puurr puedt'mushsh: welcome greeting | |
Пуэдтӭ тӣррвэнҍ | puedtyo tiirven: welcome greeting | |
Saami, Lule [smj] (Sweden and Norway.) | ||
Buorre biejvve | general greeting | |
Buorre idet | morning greeting | |
Buoris uddni | morning greeting | |
Buorre iehket | evening greeting | |
Buoris idja | nighttime greeting | |
Buoris | informal greeting | |
Na buoris | reply to Buoris | |
Gåk manná? | how are you? | |
Maktas vieso? | how are you? | |
Gåk vieso? | how are you? | |
Gåktu vieso? | how are you? | |
Gåktu dån vieso? | how are you? | |
Buoragit viesov | reply to Gåktu vieso and Gåktu dån vieso | |
Buoragit mån | reply to Gåktu vieso and Gåktu dån vieso | |
Mån riek buoragit viesov | reply to Gåktu vieso and Gåktu dån vieso | |
Buoris boahtem | welcome greeting | |
Saami, North [sme] (Norway, Sweden, and Finland.) | ||
Buorre beaivi | general greeting | |
Buorre beaivi fal | general greeting | |
Buorre iđit | morning greeting | |
Buorre iđit fal | morning greeting | |
Buorre eahket | evening greeting | |
Buorre idja | nighttime greeting | |
Ipmel atti | reply to Buorre beaivvi, Buorre iđit, Buorre eahket, and Buorre idja, spoken in Finland | |
Mot manna? | how are you? | |
Buorre, dat manna | reply to Mot manna | |
Giitu buorre | reply to Mot manna | |
Buorre giittus eatnat | reply to Mot manna | |
Mii gul'lo? | how are you? spoken in the Finnish dialect | |
Mii siidii gul'lo? | how are you? spoken in the Finnish dialect | |
Ii gul'lo ii miige | reply to Mii gul'lo and Mii siidii gul'lo | |
Mot don ealát? | how are you? spoken in the Norwegian dialect | |
Gokte don ealát? | how are you? spoken in the Swedish dialect | |
Mun ealát dearvan | reply to Mot don ealát and Gokte don ealát | |
Got don veaját? | how are you? | |
Got veaját? | how are you? | |
Mon veaján bures | reply to Got don veaját and Got veaját | |
Buurist | general greeting | |
Bures | general greeting used when shaking hands | |
Bures bures | reply to Bures | |
Bures buohkaide | general greeting spoken to a group | |
Bures boahtin | welcome greeting | |
Saami, Pite [sje] (Sweden and Norway.) | ||
Buris | general greeting | |
Buorist | general greeting | |
Buorre bäjjve | general greeting | |
Buorre árrat | morning greeting | |
Buorre iehket | afternoon and evening greeting | |
Buorre idja | nighttime greeting | |
Buris båhtem | welcome greeting | |
Buorist båhtem | welcome greeting | |
Saami, Skolt [sms] (Finland and Russia.) | ||
Tiõrv | general greeting | |
Tiõrv, tiõrv | general greeting | |
Tueʹlääst | morning greeting | |
Šiõǥǥ jeäʹǩǩespeeiʹv | afternoon greeting | |
Šiõǥǥ jeäʹǩǩää | evening greeting | |
Mäʹhtt maan? | how are you? | |
Mäʹtt maan? | how are you? | |
Puârast maan | reply to Mä'htt maan and Mä'tt maan | |
Kâkkvââ jeälšak? | how are you? | |
Späʹsseb puârast | reply to Kâkkvââ jeälšak | |
Mâʹid teâđak? | how are you?, what's new? | |
Puäʹđ tiõrvân | welcome greeting | |
Pueʹtted tiõrvân | welcome greeting | |
Pueʹtted kiõccâd | welcome greeting | |
Tiõrv pueʹttem | welcome greeting | |
Tiõrv pueʹttmest | welcome greeting | |
Saami, South [sma] (Sweden and Norway.) | ||
Buerie biejjie | general greeting | |
Buerie aerede | morning greeting | |
Buerie iehkede | evening greeting | |
Buerie jijje | nighttime greeting | |
Bööresth | informal greeting | |
Buaregh | general greeting used when shaking hands | |
Guktie veasoeh? | how are you? | |
Guktie gåarede? | how are you? | |
Joekoen hijven mannine | reply to Guktie gåarede | |
Buerie båeteme | welcome greeting | |
Saami, Ter [sjt] (Russia.) | ||
Tiirn jalak | general greeting | |
Buorro peivv'e | daytime greeting | |
Šuvv peivv'e | daytime greeting | |
Buorro idit | morning greeting | |
Šuvv idit | morning greeting | |
Buorro jijj | nighttime greeting | |
Šuvv jijj | nighttime greeting | |
Saami, Ume [sju] (Sweden.) | ||
Buorajk | general greeting | |
Buörrie beäjvvie | general greeting | |
Buörrie árrade | morning greeting | |
Buörrie jijja | nighttime greeting | |
Guktie viesuoh? | how are you? | |
Månna viesuov buoragikta | reply to Guktie viesuoh | |
Buörrie båhtieme | welcome greeting | |
Saamia [lsm] (Kenya and Uganda.) | ||
Mirembe | general greeting | |
Mulembe | general greeting | |
Mulembe mono | reply to Mulembe | |
Mrembe | general greeting | |
Mrembe muno | reply to Mrembe | |
Mbwena | general greeting | |
Mbola bosi | general greeting | |
Vuhiere? | morning greeting | |
Vuhiere muno | reply to Vuhiere | |
Siadeta? | daytime greeting | |
Siadeta muno | reply to Siadeta | |
Vwehera | evening greeting | |
Vwehera muno | reply to Vwehera | |
Oruo otie? | how are you? | |
Nduo | reply to Oruo otie | |
Koddeyo | general greeting used in the Songa dialect of Uganda | |
Saaroa [sxr] (Taiwan: west central mountains.) | ||
Mavacangi ui? | how are you? | |
Tam mavacangü aku | reply to Mavacangi ui | |
Lhiumu cu ui? | have you eaten? | |
Iniu alhukakua? | where are you going? | |
Saba [saa] (Chad: Guera region.) | ||
Toɗo | general greeting | |
Toose | informal greeting | |
Jawiya | evening greeting | |
Tomoŋ enne ma? | how are you? | |
Eey enne'i | reply to Tomoŋ enne ma | |
Kun tomoŋ ma? | how are you? | |
No enn'e | reply to Kun tomoŋ ma | |
Ki enne' ma? | how are you? | |
No enne'i | reply to Ki enne' ma | |
Enne' ma? | how are you? informal | |
Ee enne'i | reply to Enne' ma | |
Ok deŋge | welcome greeting, "you've arrived" | |
Kun oy ba ma? | where are you coming from? | |
Sabaot [spy] (Kenya: Western Province.) | ||
Ichamune | general greeting | |
Achamegei | reply to Ichamune | |
Supai | general greeting spoken to a man | |
Abo | reply to Supai | |
Takwenya | general greeting spoken to a woman | |
Ikoo | reply to Takwenya | |
Sadri [sck] (India: Chotanagpur.) | ||
Johar | general greeting | |
Toen kaisen ahis? | how are you? spoken to one person | |
Tohre kaisen aha? | how are you? spoken to a group | |
Moen thik ahon | reply to Toen kaisen ahis and Tohre kaisen aha | |
Safwa [sbk] (Tanzania: Mbeya Region.) | ||
Mwagona | morning greeting | |
Ewani | reply to Mwagona | |
Mwaomba | afternoon greeting | |
Mgonile | general greeting in the Songwe [sbk-son] dialect | |
Ndaga mgonile | morning greeting in the Songwe [sbk-son] dialect | |
Essega | welcome greeting | |
Sagala [sbm] (Tanzania.) | ||
Kamwene | general greeting | |
Sagalla [tga] (Kenya.) | ||
Wawuka? | morning greeting spoken in the Kasigau dialect [tga-kas] | |
Nawuka | reply to Wawuka spoken in the Kasigau dialect [tga-kas] | |
Saho [ssy] (Eritrea. Ethiopia.) | ||
Nagai asseni | general greeting spoken in the Irob dialect [ssy-iro] | |
Nagai mahteni | morning greeting spoken in the Irob dialect [ssy-iro] | |
Nagai kassoyteni | evening greeting spoken in the Irob dialect [ssy-iro] | |
Nagai kitini? | how are you? spoken in the Irob dialect [ssy-iro] | |
Sahu [saj] (Indonesia: Maluku Utara.) | ||
Tabea | general greeting | |
Saisiyat [xsy] (Taiwan: western mountains.) | ||
So'o kayzaeh ay? | how are you? | |
Yako kayzaeh ay | reply to So'o kayzaeh ay | |
Kayzaeh ma'alo | reply to So'o kayzaeh ay | |
Ita saboeh kayzaeh | greeting spoken to a group of people | |
So'o kin minremreme' | morning greeting | |
Kin minremreme' | morning greeting | |
Minremreme' | morning greeting | |
Kaksiaelan | afternoon greeting | |
Kaksiaelan kayzaeh | afternoon greeting | |
Haewan kayzaeh | evening greeting | |
Mas hanan | nighttime greeting | |
So'o somini'ael ila ay? | have you eaten? | |
Yako ina somini'ael ila | reply to So'o somini'ael ila ay | |
Yako ina somi'ael ila | reply to So'o somini'ael ila ay | |
So'o babao ila? | have you eaten? | |
Yako babao ila | reply to So'o babao ila | |
Sakapulteko [quv] (Guatemala: Quiché Department.) | ||
Saqarek | morning greeting | |
Kisaqarek | morning greeting | |
Xaq'an q'iij | morning greeting used from about 9 am until noon | |
Kab'lujuuj q'iij | noontime greeting | |
Xulub' q'iij | afternoon greeting used from about 1 pm until 4 pm | |
Qaj q'iij | afternoon greeting used from about 3 pm until 6 pm | |
Xak aq'ab' | evening and nighttime greeting used after 6 pm | |
Xek aq'ab | evening and nighttime greeting used after 6 pm | |
Chimcha'? | how are you? | |
Chemcha'? | how are you? | |
Chimcha' lan? | how are you? | |
Kewa' rii' lan | reply to Chimcha' lan | |
Sakao [quv] (Vanuatu: Espiritu Santo Island.) | ||
Tyavwar o | greeting spoken when passing by someone but not stopping | |
Ge, i mge ye? | general greeting, literally "where are you going?" | |
Segren vogvog | morning greeting | |
Pôr vogvog | evening greeting | |
Salampasu [slx] (Democratic Republic of the Congo.) | ||
Suvu | general greeting | |
Salar [slr] (China: Qinghai, Gansu, Yining.) | ||
Sai yehxi derei? | how are you? | |
Mai yehxia eira | reply to Sai yehxi derei | |
Boji sainaigqiu ara? | how are you? spoken in the evening | |
Yehxia | reply to Sai yehxi derei and Boji sainaigqiu ara | |
Saliba [sbe] (Papua New Guinea: Milne Bay.) | ||
Kagutoki | general greeting | |
Sáliba [slc] (Colombia.) | ||
Baiga | general greeting spoken to one person | |
Baigado | general greeting spoken to a group | |
Bae koma | welcome greeting | |
Salish, Puget Sound [str] (United States of America: Washington.) | ||
'I sya'ya | general greeting | |
Salish, Straits [str] (Canada.) | ||
Tácel sw siám | general greeting spoken to one person | |
Ewáne en skelkel? |
how are you? | |
Numekwa | welcome greeting in the Lekwungen Songhee dialect [str-son] | |
Shxw'ele' shkwche' | general greeting in the Saanich dialect, literally "there you are" [str-saa] | |
Ále e sw u íy ol? | how are you? in the Saanich dialect [str-saa] | |
Há, e u íy sen ol | reply to Ále e sw u íy ol in the Saanich diale [str-saa]ct | |
Chene | greeting used to call attention in the Saanich dialect [str-saa] | |
Sallands [sdz] (Netherlands: Sallands.) | ||
Moi | general greeting | |
Goei'nmon | morning greeting | |
Goed van pas? | how are you? | |
Goettepasse? | how are you? | |
Salt Yui [sll] (Papua New Guinea: Simbu Province.) | ||
Alhùnó | general greeting | |
Yàhùnó | general greeting | |
Yàhùnó wídíníò | greeting spoken to someone who is coming towards you | |
Wídíníò |
greeting spoken to someone who is coming towards you |
Yàhùnó pìdínío | greeting spoken to someone who has passed by | |
Nèbàré | greeting spoken to a friend | |
Nàbé | greeting spoken to an older man | |
Nàmíné | greeting spoken to an older woman | |
Saluan [loe] (Indonesia: Sulawesi.) | ||
Tabea' | general greeting | |
Sam [snx] (Papua New Guinea: Madang Province.) | ||
Kogili beli |
morning greeting |
Seng beli | midday greeting | |
Bula beli | afternoon greeting | |
Kolu beli | nighttime greeting | |
Sama, Balangingih [sse] (Philippines: Mindanao. Malaysia: eastern Sabah.) | ||
Kaa sau | general greeting, "it's you" | |
Ahò, aku na saitu | reply to Kaa sau | |
Uwi, atakka na kaam | general greeting, "you've arrived" | |
Singgahan da ka? | how are you? | |
Painggahan kaa? | where are you going? | |
Bai kaa mininggahan? | where have you come from? | |
Pasakat kaa | welcome greeting, "come in" | |
Anengkô kaa | welcome greeting, "have a seat" | |
Sama, Pangutaran [slm] (Philippines: Pangutaran Island.) | ||
Na, ka'u ko' iyu | general greeting, "you are here" | |
Aho' | reply to Na ka'u ko' iyo | |
Assalam mu alayukum |
general greeting used by Muslims |
Alaykum mu assalam | reply to Assalam mu alaykum | |
Paingga ka'u? | greeting to a person going somewhere: "where are you going?" | |
Mainggale' kala'usan nu? | greeting to a person going somewhere: "where are you going?" | |
Bsa' na niya' mowe' na aku | reply to Mainggale' kala'usan nu, "I'm going home" | |
Bay ka'u paingga? | greeting to a person arriving: "where have you come from?" | |
Pasakat na ka'u | welcome greeting, "come up" | |
Ninko' ka'u | welcome greeting, "have a seat" | |
Sama, Southern [ssb] (Philippines. Malaysia.) | ||
Assalam mu alayukum |
general greeting used by Muslims |
Alaykum mu assalam | reply to Assalam mu alaykum | |
Uy, luun kow? | greeting used when arriving at a house | |
Aha' | reply to Uy, luum kow | |
Na, kau ko ili | reply to Uy, luum kow | |
Pingga kow? | greeting to a person going somewhere: "where are you going?" | |
Bey kow pingga? | greeting to a person arriving: "where have you come from?" | |
Bey kam pingga? | greeting to a person arriving: "where have you come from?" | |
Pee | reply to Pingga kow, Bey kow pingga and Bey kam pingga | |
Pinaan sidja | reply to Pingga kow, Bey kow pingga and Bey kam pingga | |
Samba Daka [ccg] (Nigeria: Taraba and Adamawa states.) | ||
N nàk ɛ nyaarɛ? | how are you? | |
Sambal [xsb] (Philippines.) | ||
Maabig a awlo | general greeting | |
Maabig a buklah | morning greeting | |
Maabig a buklas | morning greeting in the Masinloc dialect [xsb-mas] | |
Maabig a yabi | evening greeting | |
Kumusta cay na? | how are you? | |
Ayus bongat | reply to Kumusta cay na | |
Ayti ka mako? | where are you going? | |
Itaw ay | reply to Ayti ka mako, "just walking" | |
Mako ko itaw komoyo | reply to Ayti ka mako, "I'm going to your place" | |
Ayti ka ibat? | where have you come from? | |
Dara | greeting spoken when approaching a house | |
Sika payti | reply to Dara | |
Moli ka | welcome greeting, "come on up" | |
Lomoob ka | welcome greeting, "come in" | |
Samburu [saq] (Kenya: Samburu District.) | ||
Supa | general greeting | |
Anta supa | general greeting spoken to a group of people | |
Thurma | general greeting | |
Supa apaiyia | greeting spoken to an older man | |
Oiye | reply to Supa, Anta supa, and Supa apaiyia | |
Ipa | reply to Supa spoken by a man | |
Dakuenia | greeting spoken by a woman | |
Igo | reply to Dakuenia | |
Samo, Matya [sym] (Burkina Faso.) | ||
Fogouni | morning greeting | |
Hum yô douen? | how are you? | |
Mô yo douen | reply to Hum yô douen | |
Samoan [smo] (Samoa.) | ||
Tālofa | general greeting | |
Tālofa lava | general greeting | |
Feofoofoa'iga | general greeting | |
Lele taeao | morning greeting | |
Taeao manuia | morning greeting | |
Lele ao auli | afternoon greeting | |
Talofa manuia le aso | afternoon greeting | |
Lele afiafi | evening greeting | |
Manuia le afiafi | evening greeting | |
O ā mai oe? | how are you? | |
Manuia, fa'afetai | reply to O a mai oe | |
Manuia | reply to O a mai oe | |
Afio mai a | welcome greeting | |
Maliu mai a | welcome greeting | |
Susu mai a | welcome greeting | |
Mapu mai a | welcome greeting | |
Ua e sau | informal welcome greeting | |
Sautia mai a | welcome greeting used if someone important arrives late at night or early morning | |
Pouliuligia mai a | welcome greeting used if someone important arrives after nightfall | |
Sosopo mai | welcome greeting spoken to an orator (tulafale) | |
Samogitian [sgs] (Lithuania.) | ||
Svēks | general greeting | |
Svēkė | general greeting | |
Labs | general greeting | |
Labdėin | morning greeting | |
Labvakar | evening greeting | |
Labanakt | nighttime greeting | |
Kāp sekās? | how are you? | |
Kāp gīvėni? | how are you? | |
Kāp laikuoties? | how are you? | |
Gerā | reply to Kāp laikuoties | |
Gerā, diekou | reply to Kāp laikuoties | |
Svēkė atvīkė̄ | welcome greeting | |
Sampang [rav] (Nepal.) | ||
Sewā | general greeting | |
Jeeu | general greeting | |
Yantā tuynita? | how are you? | |
Yantā tuynāta? | how are you? | |
Yantāchi pikihan nita? | how are you? | |
Khānikawā tunwa | reply to Yantā tuynita, Yantā tuynāta, and Yantāchi pikihan nita | |
Khānikawā tuyeka | reply to Yantā tuynita, Yantā tuynāta, and Yantāchi pikihan nita | |
Sandawe [sad] (Tanzania: Dodoma region.) | ||
Hatʃipatli | general greeting | |
Putɬ'umanena | general greeting | |
Putɬ'umane? | general greeting | |
Eee, putɬ'umaga'a | reply to Putɬumane | |
Eee | reply to Putɬ'umane | |
Sayonaʔare | greeting used when beginning a conversation | |
Sayogaʔa | reply to Sayonaʔare | |
Neepoge | general greeting, "you are here" | |
Eee neesiga'a | reply to Neepoge | |
Koosipone | general greeting, "are you here?" | |
Eee, koosisi | reply to Koosipone | |
Peǁ'okuwasu | general greeting | |
Aregaʔa | reply to Peǁ'okuwasu | |
Tl'ik'ixena | morning greeting | |
K'imentexena | afternoon greeting | |
Golobaxena | evening greeting | |
Putl'umaga'a | reply to Tl'ik'ixena, K'imentexena, and Golobaxena | |
Putl'umane | reply to Tl'ik'ixena, K'imentexena, and Golobaxena | |
ɬaapone? | how are you? | |
ɬaapo? | how are you? | |
ɬaasiga'a | ɬaasiga'a | |
Eee | reply to ɬaapo and ɬaapone | |
Hikkiana? | how are you? | |
Aŋga | reply to Hikkiana | |
Hikiana? | how are you? in the Kondoa District | |
Angaa | reply to Hikiana in the Kondoa District | |
Ya'aboxena? | how is work? | |
© 1995 - 2014 by Jennifer Runner. http://users.elite.net/runner/jennifers/ | ||
Sanga [sng] (Congo-Kinshasha: Bunkeya region.) | ||
Mwalangikai | morning greeting | |
Twaimunai | afternoon greeting | |
Kyunguloi | evening greeting | |
Eyo mwana | reply to Mwalangikai, Twaimunai, and Kyunguloi | |
Sanga [xsn] (Nigeria: Plateau State.) | ||
Kukang | morning greeting | |
Shammo | reply to Kukang | |
Sangir [sxn] (Indonesia: Sulawesi. Philippines: Mindanao, Balut and Sarangani.) | ||
Tabea | general greeting | |
Salam | general greeting | |
Salamate | general greeting | |
Salamate nasahampi | welcome greeting | |
Sanglechi [sgl] (Afghanistan and Tajikistan.) | ||
As-salam alaikum | general greeting | |
Alaikum as-salam | reply to As-salam alaikum | |
Sango [sag] (Central African Republic.) | ||
Balaô | general greeting | |
Bara mo | general greeting spoken to one person | |
Bara mo mîngi | general greeting spoken to one person | |
Mbi bara mo | general greeting spoken to one person | |
Bara ala | general greeting spoken to a group of people | |
Bara ala kwe | general greeting spoken to a group of people | |
Mbi bara ala kwe | general greeting spoken to a group of people | |
Mo längö nzönî? | morning greeting, "have you slept well?" | |
Iiin, mbï längö nzönî | reply to Mo längö nzönî | |
Töngana nye? | how are you? | |
Yê ayeke äpëe | reply to Töngana nye | |
Yê a'ke äpëe | reply to Töngana nye | |
Mo yeke sêngê? | how are you? | |
Mbï yeke sêngê | reply to Mo yeke sêngê | |
Gä nzönî | welcome greeting | |
Sangu [snq] (Gabon.) | ||
Mbolu | general greeting spoken to one person | |
Mbole | general greeting spoken to one person | |
Mbolani | general greeting spoken to a group | |
Mbolwani | general greeting spoken to a group | |
Mbolwanye | general greeting spoken to a group | |
Itsərambughwa | morning greeting spoken to one person | |
Yenu ditsərambughwa | morning greeting spoken to a group | |
Ee | reply to Itsərambughwa and Yenu ditsərambughwa | |
Kə ma bwedya? | how are you? | |
Ee, kə bwedyo | reply to Kə ma bwedya | |
Ikərə ghuna? | how are you? spoken to one person | |
Yenu dikərə ghuna? | how are you? spoken to a group | |
Ee | reply to Ikərə ghuna and Yenu dikərə ghuna | |
Saamba | welcome greeting | |
Sangu [sbp] (Tanzania.) | ||
Ulamwihe | general greeting | |
Kamwene | general greeting | |
Mwanamtwa | general greeting | |
Mwananengule | reply to Mwanamtwa | |
Sanskrit [san] (India.) | ||
नमो नमः | namo namah: religious greeting | |
नमस्कारः | namaskarah: religious greeting | |
नमस्ते | namaste: general greeting | |
हरिः औम् | hari aumh: general greeting | |
सुप्रभातम् | suprabhatam: morning greeting | |
सुभरात्रिः | subharaatrih: nighttime greeting | |
सुमध्याह्नम् | sumadhyahnam: afternoon greeting | |
भवान् कथम् अस्ति? | bhavan katham asti: how are you? | |
भवति कथम् अस्ति? | bhavati katham asti: how are you? | |
अहम् कुशलः अस्मि धन्यवादाः। | aham kushalah asmi dhanyavadah: reply to भवान् कथम् अस्ति and भवति कथम् अस्त | |
अपि कुशलम्? | api kashalam: how are you? | |
स्वागतम् | svaagatam: welcome greeting | |
Santhali [sat] (India. Bangladesh. Nepali.) | ||
Johar | general greeting | |
Henda ho | general greeting | |
Cet'leka menama? | how are you | |
Boge | reply to Cet'leka menama | |
Boge gean' | reply to Cet'leka menama | |
Sanumá [xsu] (Venezuela, Brazil.) | ||
Shulimã | general greeting | |
Sãotomense [cri] (São Tomé and Príncipe.) | ||
Sejalovadu | general greeting | |
Bondja o | morning greeting | |
Boxtadji o | afternoon greeting | |
Bojnotxi o | evening greeting | |
Kuma non sa e? | how are you? | |
Axyo o | reply to Kuma non sa e | |
Leveleve o | reply to Kuma non sa e | |
Kinova sawodji e? | how are you? | |
Kinova vida e? | how are you? | |
Sapo [krn] (Liberia.) | ||
An tla de un jele | welcome greeting | |
Sar [mwm] (Chad.) | ||
Lápíyà | general greeting | |
Lápíyà ngái | general greeting | |
Làléè | general greeting | |
I baï? | how are you? | |
Mto kari | reply to I baï | |
I kari | reply to I baï | |
Ito baï wa? | how are you? | |
Indol majiwa? | morning greeting | |
Mto maji | reply to Ito baïn wa and Indol majiwa | |
Lápíyà kì-ndōý | general greeting in the Nar dialect | |
Baï ì sótíà? | how are you? in the Nar dialect | |
Saraiki [skr] (Pakistan: Punjab and Sind.) | ||
آپ کیا حال ہِن | apka kya haal hin: how are you? | |
تہاݙے کیا حال ہِن | tuhada kya haal hin: how are you? | |
چنگے حال ہِن | changei haal hin: reply to تہاݙے کیا حال ہِن۔ | |
کیا حال ہِن | kya haal hin: how are you (informal) | |
میں ٹھیک ہوں | main teek hoo: reply to آپ کیا حال ہِن , تہاݙے کیا حال ہِن, and کیا حال ہِن | |
بسم اللہ سائیں | bismillaah sain: welcome greeting | |
Keevein hal tuhade? | how are you? in the Khatki dialect [skr-mul] | |
Saramaccan [srm] (Suriname: central region.) | ||
I weki nö? | morning greeting | |
Mi weki e | reply to I weki nö | |
Mi weki ooo | reply to I weki nö | |
U weki nö? | morning greeting | |
U weki ooo | reply to U weki nö | |
Söö | reply to U weki ooo | |
I dë nö? | midday greeting | |
Mi dë ooo | reply to I dë nö | |
U dë nö? | midday greeting | |
U dë ooo | reply to U dë nö | |
Umfa i dë? | how are you? | |
Mi dë baa | reply to Umfa i dë | |
Sardinian, Campidanese [sro] (Italy.) | ||
Saludi | general greeting | |
Bona dì | general daytime greeting | |
Bonu mericeddu | evening greeting | |
Bonas tardas | evening greeting | |
Bona noti | nighttime greeting | |
Ita parit? | how are you? | |
Totu beni | reply to Ita parit | |
Cumenti stais? | how are you? informal to one person | |
Cumenti stait? | how are you? formal or to a group | |
Cumenti stait fusteti? | how are you? formal or to a group | |
Beni, gràtzias | reply to Cumenti stait | |
Beni | reply to Cumenti stait | |
Benibenìu | welcome greeting | |
Benieniu | welcome greeting | |
Sardinian, Gallurese [sdn] (Italy.) | ||
Salutu | general greeting | |
Bona ciurrata | daytime greeting | |
Bonasera | evening greeting | |
Bonanotti | nighttime greeting | |
Comu stai? | how are you? | |
Benvinutu | welcome greeting | |
Sardinian, Logudorese [src] (Italy.) | ||
Salude | general greeting | |
Ciao | general greeting | |
Bonardies | morning greeting | |
Bone die | morning greeting | |
Bon jiorno | morning greeting | |
Bona sera | evening greeting | |
Bona notte | nighttime greeting | |
Ite paret? | how are you? | |
Totu bene | reply to Ita paret | |
Coment' istas? | how are you? spoken to one person | |
Coment' istades? | how are you? spoken to a group | |
Coment' isthsa? | how are you? | |
Comente istasa? | how are you? | |
Bene, gràtzias | reply to Coment' istasa and Commente istasa | |
Bene, aggràtzias | reply to Coment' istasa and Commente istasa | |
Benègnidu | welcome greeting | |
Benénniu | welcome greeting in the Nuorese dialect | |
Beneniu | welcome greeting in the Nuorese dialect | |
Sardinian, Sassarese [sdc] (Italy.) | ||
Sarùddu | general greeting | |
Dì bona |
morning greeting | |
Sera bona | evening greeting | |
Bonassera | evening greeting | |
Notti bona | nighttime greeting | |
Bona notti | nighttime greeting | |
Cumenti sthai? | how are you? | |
Sari [asj] (Cameroon: Donga-Mantung Division.) | ||
Buwobwɛ ni | morning greeting | |
Buwobwɛ loo | reply to Buwobwɛ ni | |
Hɛɛ | greeting used to call attention | |
Sarikoli [srh] (China: Taxkorgan region.) | ||
Assalamu äläykum | general greeting | |
Wa'äläykumu salam | reply to Assalamu äläykum | |
Sarsi [srs] (Canada: Alberta.) | ||
Tsuu kae'o | general greeting | |
Danit'ada? | how are you? | |
Guja | reply to Danit'ada | |
Guja 'ila? | how are you? | |
'oo, guja | reply to Guja 'ila | |
Guja naniyaala? | greeting to a person arriving, "did you arrive okay?" | |
'oo, nanisha | reply to Guja naniyaala | |
Sasak [sas] (Indonesia: Lombok Island.) | ||
Selamat siang | general daytime greeting | |
Selamat pagi | morning greeting | |
Selamat sore | afternoon greeting | |
Selamat malam | nighttime greeting | |
Mbe yam lae? | greeting to a person who is walking, literally "where are you going?" | |
Ojok mbe? | greeting to a person who is walking, literally "where are you going?" | |
Lampat lampat | reply to Ojok mbe, literally "just walking" | |
Brembe kabar? | how are you? | |
Bagus | reply to Brembe kabar | |
Solah | reply to Brembe kabar | |
Sugeng rawuh | welcome greeting | |
Satawalese [stw] (Micronesia: Satawal Island.) | ||
Koapwong | general greeting | |
Kkoapwong | general greeting | |
Fairhoo | respectful greeting | |
Wo yitto me yiya? | greeting spoken to a person arriving, "where did you come from?" | |
Opwe ne na ia? | greeting spoken to a person who is going somewhere, "where are you going?" | |
Aetiwetiw | welcome greeting, literally "unload your boat" | |
Wenimmwoamw | welcome greeting spoken to one person ("in front of you") | |
Ey wenimmwoamw | welcome greeting spoken to one person ("in front of you") | |
Wow wenimmwoamw | welcome greeting spoken to one person ("in front of you") | |
Wenimmwaemi | welcome greeting spoken to a group ("in front of you") | |
Ey wenimmwaemi | welcome greeting spoken to a group ("in front of you") | |
Wow wenimmwaemi | welcome greeting spoken to a group ("in front of you") | |
Wenimmwan woomw | welcome greeting spoken to a person in a canoe ("in front of your canoe") | |
Saterfriesisch [stq] (Germany: Saterland and East Frisia.) | ||
Gauden Dei | general greeting | |
Wäilkuumen | welcome greeting | |
Sateré-Mawé [mav] (Brazil: Pará and Andirá.) | ||
Enodac | general greeting | |
Awãe aicô | general greeting | |
Aicotã erecoçá? | general greeting | |
Nanê koema | morning greeting | |
Tambê erecoçá? | morning greeting | |
Boró | morning greeting | |
Nanê karuka | afternoon greeting | |
Rekáa | afternoon greeting | |
Awãdê aicô | evening and nighttime greeting | |
Nanê pituna | nighttime greeting | |
Uamdén | nighttime greeting | |
Nãnêyuri | welcome greeting | |
Saurashtra [saz] (India: Tamil Nadu.) | ||
Namaskar | general greeting | |
Thumi sauriyam ya? | how are you? | |
Sauriyam ya? | how are you? | |
Aski thenu sauriyam ya? | how are you? | |
Thu kono se? | how are you? | |
Thu me kono sethay? | how are you? | |
Avo | welcome greeting | |
Avo, avo | welcome greeting | |
Aski thenu avo | welcome greeting | |
Aski thenu avo avo | welcome greeting | |
Aski thenu namaskar | welcome greeting | |
Aski thengo namaskar | welcome greeting | |
Bethar avo | welcome greeting, "come in" | |
Sausi [ssj] (Papua New Guinea: Madang Province.) | ||
ʔogusagani | morning greeting | |
ʔokupiou | afternoon greeting | |
ʔokusɛ | nighttime greeting | |
Sawai [szw] (Indonesia: North Maluku.) | ||
Fan fawa? | how are you? | |
Saxon, East Frisian Low [frs] (Germany: Ostfriesland, Saterland, Lower Saxony.) | ||
Moin | general greeting | |
Goden Dag | general greeting | |
Goden Morgen | morning greeting | |
Goden Avend | afternoon greeting | |
Goden Nacht | nighttime greeting | |
Wo geiht Jo dat? | how are you? formal | |
Wo geiht di dat? | how are you? informal | |
Wo geiht di 't? | how are you? informal | |
Heel good, dank | reply to Wo geiht Jo dat and Wo geiht di dat | |
Good, dank | reply to Wo geiht Jo dat and Wo geiht di dat | |
Good | reply to Wo geiht Jo dat and Wo geiht di dat | |
Saxon, Low [nds] (Germany.) | ||
Moin | general greeting in the Nordfriesland [nds-nor] and Ostfriesland dialects [nds-els] | |
Goden Dag | general greeting in the Nordfriesland [nds-nor] and Ostfriesland dialects [nds-els] | |
Goden Morgen | morning greeting in the Nordfriesland [nds-nor] and Ostfriesland dialects [nds-els] | |
Goden Avend | evening greeting in the Nordfriesland [nds-nor] and Ostfriesland dialects [nds-els] | |
Moi | general greeting in the Nordfriesland dialect [nds-nor] | |
Moin moin | general greeting in the Nordfriesland dialect [nds-nor] | |
Dag | general greeting in the Nordfriesland dialect [nds-nor] | |
Dag ok | reply to Dag in the Nordfriesland dialect [nds-nor] | |
Gouden Dag | general greeting in the Nordfriesland dialect [nds-nor] | |
Gouden Morgen | morning greeting in the Nordfriesland dialect [nds-nor] | |
Gouden Avend | evening greeting in the Nordfriesland dialect [nds-nor] | |
Gode Dag | general greeting in the Ostfriesland dialect [nds-els] | |
Gode Morgen | morning greeting in the Ostfriesland dialect [nds-els] | |
Gode Avend | evening greeting in the Ostfriesland dialect [nds-els] | |
Mooien Moren | morning greeting in the older dialect of Ostfriesland [nds-els], no longer used | |
Mooien Morgen | morning greeting in the older dialect of Ostfriesland [nds-els], no longer used | |
Mooien Dag | noontime greeting in the older dialect of Ostfriesland [nds-els], no longer used | |
Mooien Abend | evening greeting in the older dialect of Ostfriesland [nds-els], no longer used | |
Willkamen | welcome greeting | |
Saxon, Upper [sxu] (Germany.) | ||
N'daach | general greeting spoken in the Dresden dialect | |
Krieß disch | general greeting spoken in the Dresden dialect | |
Wie gehds? | how are you? spoken in the Dresden dialect | |
Krießd'sch | general greeting spoken in the Leipzig dialect | |
Wie geht's'n sou? | how are you? spoken in the Leipzig dialect | |
Gun Tak | general greeting spoken in the North Thuringian dialect | |
Wie geht es dich? | how are you? spoken in the North Thuringian dialect | |
Gutt'n Toog | general greeting spoken in the West Thuringian dialect | |
Wie giäht's'n dech? | how are you? spoken in the West Thuringian dialect | |
Guttn Tach | general greeting spoken in the Ilm Thuringian dialect | |
Wie gieht's'n dir? | how are you? spoken in the Ilm Thuringian dialect | |
Guttn Taach | general greeting spoken in the Southeast Thuringian dialect | |
Wie gett's'n dir? | how are you? spoken in hte Southeast Thuringian dialect | |
Saya [say] (Nigeria.) | ||
Sànnú | general greeting | |
Làfíya | general greeting | |
Gàjíya wuri? | how are you? | |
Ká mbuɗíya? | morning greeting ("how did you spend the night?") | |
Kə mbút wuri? | morning greeting ("how did you spend the night?") | |
Kə vyá wuri? | afternoon greeting ("how did you spend the day?") | |
Dənwà wuri? | how is your house? | |
Mən dənwa cì wuri? | how is your house? | |
Mərês fá? | how are the children? | |
Làfíya kálâw | reply to Gàjíya wuri, Kə vyá wuri, Dənwà wuri and Mərês fá | |
Sànnú tə la? | greeting to a person who is working | |
Sànnú | reply to Sànnú tə la | |
Kə vyá tə la wuri? | greeting to a person who is working | |
Migháy | reply to Kə vyá tə la wuri, "I am at it" | |
Má nyár Coghŋ | reply to Kə vyá tə la wuri, "I thank God" | |
La ɗúghən wuri? | greeting to a person who is working, "how is the tiredness of your work?" | |
Ɛ láp zli | reply to La ɗúghən wuri | |
Kə mbút tə gàjíya ríghənwà wuri? | "how did you spend the night with the tiredness of travelling?", person who travelled yesterday | |
Datəpês wuri? | welcome greeting, "how was the road?" | |
Scots [sco] (United Kingdom: Scotland.) | ||
Whit like? | how are you? spoken in the Doric dialect [sco-nor] | |
Awricht | reply to Whit like spoken in the Doric dialect [sco-nor] | |
Aaricht | reply to Whit like spoken in the Doric dialect [sco-nor] | |
Fit like? | how are you? spoken in the Aberdeen dialect [sco-nor] | |
Tyaavin awa | reply to Fit like spoken in the Aberdeen dialect [sco-nor] | |
Gweed | reply to Fit like spoken in the Aberdeen dialect [sco-nor] | |
Guid morning | morning greeting spoken in the Lallans dialect [sco-sou] | |
Guid efternuin | afternoon greeting spoken in the Lallans dialect [sco-sou] | |
Guid eenin | evening greeting spoken in the Lallans dialect [sco-sou] | |
Hou d'ye fend? | how are you? spoken in the south west dialect [sco-sou] | |
Whit fettle? | how are you? spoken in the south west dialect [sco-sou] | |
Guid een | evening greeting spoken in the Ulster dialect [sco-uls] | |
Bout ye? | how are you? in the Ulster dialect [sco-uls] | |
Walcome | welcome greeting spoken in the Doric dialect [sco-nor] | |
Scottish Gaelic [gla] (United Kingdom: Scotland.) | ||
Latha math | general greeting | |
Latha math dhuibh | formal greeting | |
Latha math dhut | informal greeting | |
Halò | informal greeting | |
Madainn mhath | morning greeting | |
Madainn mhath dhuibh | formal morning greeting | |
Madainn mhath dhut | informal morning greeting | |
Feasgar math | afternoon and early evening greeting | |
Oidhche mhath | late evening and nighttime greeting | |
Ciamar a tha sibh? | how are you? formal | |
Ciamar a tha thu? | how are you? informal | |
Tha mi math | reply to Ciamar a tha sibh and Ciamar a tha thu | |
Tha gu math | reply to Ciamar a tha sibh and Ciamar a tha thu | |
Tha gu math, tapadh leibh | reply to Ciamar a tha sibh and Ciamar a tha thu | |
Dè mar a tha thu? | how are you? informal, in the Leòdhas and Earra-Ghàidheal dialects | |
Dè mar a tha sibh? | how are you? formal, in the Leòdhas and Earra-Ghàidheal dialects | |
Dè man a tha thu? | how are you? informal, in the Leòdhas dialect | |
Dè man a tha sibh? | how are you? formal, in the Leòdhas dialect | |
Cionnas a tha thu? | how are you? in the Cataibh dialect | |
Dè tha dol? | how are you? informal | |
Fàilte | welcome greeting | |
Ceud mìle fàilte | welcome greeting | |
Scythian [xsc] (Kazakhstan and Russia, 8th century BC.) | ||
Salamalek | general greeting | |
Sea Island Creole [gul] (United States of America: Sea Islands.) | ||
Wish de time uh day | general greeting | |
Pass de time uh day | general greeting | |
Good mawnin' | morning greeting | |
Mawnin' | morning greeting | |
Good ebinin' | evening greeting | |
Ebenin' | evening greeting | |
How ya da do? | how are you? | |
Sebat Bet Gurage [sgw] (Ethiopia: West Gurage Region.) | ||
Wäxe warim | general greeting | |
Bogem | general greeting in the Chaha dialect [sgw-cha] | |
Mämər ädärxäm? | morning greeting in the Chaha dialect [sgw-cha] | |
Wäxe ädärxäm? | morning greeting in the Chaha dialect [sgw-cha] | |
Bogem | reply to Mämər ädärxäm and Wäxe ädärxäm | |
Gäba wäkkäm | afternoon greeting in the Chaha dialect [sgw-cha] | |
Boxe ädär | nighttime greeting in the Chaha dialect [sgw-cha] | |
Wäxe tenot | welcome greeting in the Chaha dialect [sgw-cha] | |
Äšäm | welcome greeting to a person returning from a trip in the Chaha dialect [sgw-cha] | |
Bogäret | general greeting in the Ezha dialect [sgw-ezh] | |
Mämmər äddärxäm? | morning greeting in the Ezha dialect [sgw-ezh] | |
Wäxe äddärxäm? | morning greeting in the Ezha dialect [sgw-ezh] | |
Bogem | reply to Mämmər äddärxäm and Wäxe äddärxäm | |
Wägemaxu | morning greeting in the Ezha dialect [sgw-ezh] | |
Wägem | morning greeting in the Ezha dialect [sgw-ezh] | |
Boxe ädär | nighttime greeting in the Ezha dialect [sgw-ezh] | |
Äššam | welcome greeting to a person returning from a trip in the Ezha dialect [sgw-ezh] | |
Mämər ätärxä? | morning greeting in the Gyeto dialect [sgw-gye] | |
Wäxe ätärxä? | morning greeting in the Gyeto dialect [sgw-gye] | |
Boxe ädär | nighttime greeting in the Gyeto dialect [sgw-gye] | |
Äšäm | welcome greeting to a person returning from a trip in the Gyeto dialect [sgw-gye] | |
Bämən addärxä? | morning greeting in the Muher dialect [sgw-cha] | |
Mwamwä addärxäm? | morning greeting in the Muher dialect [sgw-cha] | |
Mwamwä adär? | nighttime greeting in the Muher dialect [sgw-cha] | |
Mwamwä där? | nighttime greeting in the Muher dialect [sgw-cha] | |
Welalede yameta | welcome greeting | |
© 1995 - 2014 by Jennifer Runner. http://users.elite.net/runner/jennifers/ | ||
Sechelt [sec] (Canada: British Columbia.) | ||
Kwatchexw Ɂet Ɂiy? | how are you? | |
Ɂiy te kwiykwiy? | how are you? spoken in the morning | |
Secoya [sey] (Ecuador: northeastern jungle. Peru: northern region.) | ||
Paikë | general greeting | |
Sehwi [sfw] (Ghana: southwestern region.) | ||
Ndzahin | morning greeting spoken to a man | |
Ndzahin o | morning greeting spoken to a man | |
Muohin | morning greeting spoken a woman | |
Ndzahin ndzahin | morning greeting spoken to a group of men | |
Muohin muohin | morning greeting spoken to a group of women | |
Ndzahin ndzahin muohin muohin | morning greeting spoken to a group of men and women | |
Ndzaanu | evening greeting spoken to a man | |
Muoanu | evening greeting spoken to a woman | |
Ndzaanu ndzaanu | evening greeting spoken to a group of men | |
Muoanu muoanu | evening greeting spoken to a group of women | |
Ndzaanu ndzaanu muoanu muoanu | evening greeting spoken to a group of men and women | |
ɛyaa | response to all greetings | |
ɔtse sɛɛ? | how are you? | |
ɔtse pa | reply to ɔtse sɛɛ | |
Seimat [ssg] (Papua New Guinea: Manus Province.) | ||
Letu solian | morning greeting | |
Letu solian amuto | morning greeting | |
Alohah solian | afternoon greeting | |
Alohah solian amuto | afternoon greeting | |
Ipong solian | evening and nighttime greeting | |
Ipong solian amuto | evening and nighttime greeting | |
Sekani [sek] (Canada: British Columbia.) | ||
Danach'e 'a | general greeting | |
Sasch'e | reply to Danach'e 'a | |
Dèkunt'ea? | how are you? spoken to one person | |
Dèkant'ea? | how are you? spoken to one person | |
Shòwant'eo? | how are you? spoken to one person | |
Shòwast'e | reply to Dèkunt’ea, Dèkant’ea, and Shòwant’eo | |
Dèkaht'ea? | how are you? spoken to more than one person | |
Shòwaht'eo? | how are you? spoken to more than one person | |
Shòwats'iiht'e | reply to Dèkaht’ea , and Shòwaht’eo | |
Dan'che'a? | how are you? in the McLeod Lake dialect | |
Sanuche'o? | how are you? in the McLeod Lake dialect | |
Sasch'e | reply to Dan'che'a and Sanuche'o | |
Seke [ske] (Vanuatu: Central Raga Island.) | ||
Ren abis |
morning greeting | |
Bwông abis | nighttime greeting | |
Biông abis | nighttime greeting | |
Kmwê ba ebeh? | where are you going? | |
Ki me ebeh? | where have you been? | |
Seko Padang [skx] (Indonesia: Sulawesi.) | ||
Selamek siang | general greeting | |
Selamek pagi | morning greeting | |
Selamek patang | afternoon greeting | |
Sekpele [lip] (Ghana: southeastern region.) | ||
Besie | general greeting | |
Sie | general greeting | |
Alabe kpoo o? | morning greeting ("did you lie quietly?") | |
Atuu | welcome greeting | |
Selee [snw] (Ghana.) | ||
Sɛɛsafɔ | general greeting spoken to one person | |
Sɛɛsaye | general greeting spoken to a group | |
Lekoto ɔnɔɔfo sɛɛsafɔ | general greeting | |
Batii late? | morning greeting | |
Bawo lɛma late? | morning greeting spoken to one person | |
Bawo lɛma late ye? | morning greeting spoken to one person | |
Miɛ kale ntɔɔsɛ | morning greeting | |
Tɔnkofɔ | afternoon and evening greeting spoken to one person | |
Waa, ɔkyɛlɛfɔ nte | reply to Tɔnkofɔ | |
Tɔnkoye | afternoon and evening greeting spoken to a group | |
Waa, ɔkyɛlee nte | reply to Tɔnkoye | |
Mbe sikpe fɔ osie ɛ? | how are you? spoken to one person | |
Mbe sikpe ye osie ɛ? | how are you? spoken to a group | |
Sikpefɔ osie? | how are you? spoken to one person | |
Fakpe osie? | how are you? spoken to one person | |
Sikpefɔ osie? | how are you? spoken to one person | |
Yii, afɔmɔ | reply to Fakpe osie and Sikpefɔ osie | |
Sikpe ye osie? | how are you? spoken to a group | |
Bikpe osie? | how are you? spoken to a group | |
Biatee? | how are you? spoken to a group | |
Buatee | reply to Biatee | |
Aa faate? | how are you? | |
Agoo | greeting used when arriving at a house | |
Amɛɛ | welcome greeting, "come in" | |
Afɔnisi | welcome greeting spoken to one person | |
Ayenisi | welcome greeting spoken to a group | |
ɔfɔɔ | welcome greeting to a person returning, "welcome back" | |
Biɔfɔɔ | welcome greeting to a group returning, "welcome back" | |
Selkup [sel] (Russia.) | ||
Торова |
torova: general greeting |
Сома челы |
soma chely: general greeting |
Кайл мешп? |
kail meshp: how are you? |
Тарова |
tarova: general greeting in the northern (Taz-Turukhan) dialect |
Сомаӈ илытыль чēлы |
somaŋ ilytyl' cēly: general greeting in the northern (Taz-Turukhan) dialect |
Фаек |
fayek: reply to Кайл мешп |
Semai [sea] (Malaysia.) | ||
Tabek | general greeting in the Jalai dialect [sea-jel] | |
Selamat pegelap | morning greeting | |
Selamat kelem | nighttime greeting | |
Ma igah? | how are you? | |
Ilok gah? | how are you? | |
Semandang [sdm] (Indonesia: Kalimantan.) | ||
Selamat | general greeting | |
Semelai [sza] (Malaysia.) | ||
Manday khabar? | how are you? | |
Khabar elok | reply to Manday khabar | |
Gate hõn? | greeting spoken when meeting on a path, literally "where are you going?" | |
Daʔ smaʔ? | greeting spoken when approaching a house, literally "is anyone there?" | |
Sena [seh] (Mozambique.) | ||
Macebesi | morning greeting | |
Macebesi baba | morning greeting spoken to a man | |
Macebesi mayi | morning greeting spoken to a woman | |
Masikati | afternoon greeting | |
Masikati baba | afternoon greeting spoken to a man | |
Masikati mayi | afternoon greeting spoken to a woman | |
Mawulo | evening greeting | |
Mawulo baba | evening greeting spoken to a man | |
Mawulo mayi | evening greeting spoken to a woman | |
Muli tani? | how are you? | |
Ndili pyadidi | reply to Muli tani | |
Unenda kupi? | where are you going? | |
Ndinenda ku musa | possible answer to Unenda kupi, "I am going home" | |
Sena [swk] (Malawi.) | ||
Magerwa | general greeting | |
Kaziwa | general greeting | |
Axamwali | general greeting | |
Mwadokera? | how are you? | |
Senaya [syn] (Iran.) | ||
Shlaama lox | general greeting spoken to a man | |
Shlaama lax | general greeting spoken to a woman | |
Shlaama looxon | general greeting spoken to a group | |
Hawa dmexlox? | morning greeting spoken to a man ("how did you sleep?") | |
Hawa dmexlax? | morning greeting spoken to a woman ("how did you sleep?") | |
'Aayet daxyet? | how are you? spoken to a man | |
'Aana hawayen | reply to 'Aayet daxyet | |
'Aayet daxyat? | how are you? spoken to a woman | |
'Aana haweesayan | reply to 'Aayet daxyat | |
Axtooxon daxyiiton? | how are you? spoken to a group | |
Seneca [see] (United States. Canada: Ontario.) | ||
Sgë:nö | general greeting, literally "peaceful/well" | |
Nya:wëh sgë:nö’ | general greeting, "I'm thankful that you are peaceful/well" | |
Ë:h, i:s koh | reply to Nya:wëh sgë:nö’ | |
Hae' | general greeting | |
Sgë:nö dih nä:h? | how are you? ("are you peaceful/well?) | |
Sgë:nö nä:h? | how are you? ("are you peaceful/well?) | |
Ë:h, göhi:yoh | reply to Sgë:nö dih nä:h and Sgë:nö nä:h | |
Sadögweta’? | how are you? ("are you healthy?") | |
Gadögweta’ | reply to Sadögweta’ | |
Senoufo, Djimini [dyi] (Côte d'Ivoire.) | ||
Ndo e mè | morning greeting spoken to a man | |
Ndo ande | reply to Ndo e mè spoken to a man | |
No ande | reply to Ndo e mè spoken to a woman | |
No e mè | morning greeting spoken to a woman | |
Maè ndo | reply to No e mè spoken to a man | |
Maè no | reply to No e mè spoken to a woman | |
Ndo e sœnoforho | midday greeting spoken to a man | |
Ndo ande, e sœnoforho | reply to Ndo e sœnoforho spoken to a man | |
No ande, e sœnoforho | reply to Ndo e sœnoforho spoken to a woman | |
No e sœnoforho | midday greeting spoken to a woman | |
Maè ndo, e sœnoforho | reply to No e sœnoforho spoken to a man | |
Maè no, e sœnoforho | reply to No e sœnoforho spoken to a woman | |
Ndo e sœnòko | evening greeting spoken to a man | |
Ndo ande, e sœnòko | reply to Ndo e sœnòko spoken to a man | |
No ande, e sœnòko | reply to Ndo e sœnòko spoken to a woman | |
No e sœnòko | evening greeting spoken to a woman | |
Maè ndo, e sœnòko | reply to No e sœnòko spoken to a man | |
Maè no, e sœnòko | reply to No e sœnòko spoken to a woman | |
Senoufo, Cebaara [sef] (Côte d'Ivoire and Mali.) | ||
Kènè | general greeting | |
M'ba | general greeting | |
Foyaina | morning greeting | |
Fochangana | afternoon greeting | |
Changoana | evening greeting | |
Fopliguena | nighttime greeting | |
A kba'a ma? | how are you? (literally, "how is your household?") | |
Ayalemaya? | how are you? | |
Weya | reply to Ayalemaya | |
Senoufo, Mamara [myk] (Mali.) | ||
Kenɛ | general greeting | |
Faabye | general greeting | |
Uun, fyabye | reply to Faabye | |
M'a cuuŋɔ ya? | how are you? | |
N'a cuuŋɔ | reply to M'a cuuŋɔ ya | |
Mii m'a se-e? | where are you going? | |
Senoufo, Nyarafolo [sev] (Côte d'Ivoire.) | ||
Fochanaganan | morning and afternoon greeting | |
Changwoanan | evening greeting | |
Senoufo, Supyire [spp] (Mali: Sikasso.) | ||
Mu a cùùŋɔ̀ la? | are you well? | |
Mìi a cùùŋɔ̀ | reply to Mu a cùùŋɔ̀ la | |
Pyɛnga shìinbíí de? | how are about your family? | |
Là wà pì nà mɛ̀ | reply to Pyɛnga shìinbíí de | |
Yàkòŋké fwùŋi wi | afternoon greeting used when explaining that you have come to visit someone | |
Senoufo, Tagwana [tgw] (Côte d'Ivoire.) | ||
Na tééle jè gbaà |
greeting spoken to an older man | |
Nabií jè gbaà |
greeting spoken to a younger man | |
Na nàà gbaà | greeting spoken to a man of the same age as the speaker | |
Picjεεε jè gbaà | greeting spoken to an older woman | |
Nàà jè gbaà | greeting spoken to a younger woman | |
Gbà nàa | greeting spoken to a guest | |
Mbaà | reply to Gbà nàa spoken by a man | |
Toòkpaà | reply to Gbà nàa spoken by a woman | |
Ma sjε taà? | morning greeting spoken to one person | |
Je sjε taà? | morning greeting spoken to a group of people | |
Mbaà jà kwa taà | reply to Ma sjε taà and Je sjε taà spoken by a man | |
Toòkpaà jà kwa taà | reply to Ma sjε taà and Je sjε taà spoken by a woman | |
Sentani [set] (Indonesia: Papua.) | ||
Foi | general greeting | |
Rai foi | general daytime greeting | |
Rene foi | morning greeting | |
Huwe rai foi | afternoon greeting | |
Huwe foi | evening and nighttime greeting | |
Wauuka belene, nendae mekai? | how are you? | |
Foi mo | reply to Wauuka belene, nendae mekai | |
Nendong mo | reply to Wauuka belene, nendae mekai | |
Wa fafa nendae mekai? | how are your children? | |
Wa maka dǝ? | where are you going? | |
Weyae makeise elare? | where are you going? | |
Ma makeise embere? | where are you going? | |
Meyae ele melere komandere | reply to Ma makeise embere, "I'm just going for a walk" | |
Reyae waei imaere male | greeting spoken by a visitor, "I've come to your house" | |
Ndane nde nekele? | greeting spoken when approaching a house, "are you at home?" | |
Ehe, reyae nekale | reply to Ndane nde nekele | |
Serbian [srp] (Bosnia. Serbia. Kosovo.) | ||
Здраво |
zdravo: general greeting | |
Добар дан | dobar dan: general daytime greeting | |
Добро јутро | dobar yutro: morning greeting | |
Добро вече | dobro veche: evening greeting | |
Како сте? |
kako ste: how are you? formal | |
Како си? | kako si: how are you? informal | |
Је сам добро, хвала | ye sam dobro hvala: formal reply to Како сте and Како си | |
Добро сам, хвала | dobro sam hvala: informal reply to Како сте and Како си | |
Хвала, добро | hvala dobro: informal reply to Како сте and Како си | |
Добродошли | dobrodoshli: welcome greeting | |
Serer-Sine [srr] (Senegal and Gambia.) | ||
Na feto |
general greeting | |
Ndio ko |
morning greeting | |
Ndio ko yong |
morning greeting | |
Mbaldoo | morning greeting | |
Fedee jam | reply to Mbaldoo | |
Dana apax? | morning greeting, "did you sleep well?" | |
Guiro po ko |
afternoon greeting | |
Njookoo | afternoon and early evening greeting | |
Yonga jam | reply to Njookoo | |
Ngiroopoo | late evening and nighttime greeting | |
Yare jam | reply to Ngiroopoo | |
Jam som jego? | how are you? spoken to one person | |
Jam som kan | reply to Jam som jego | |
Nam fi'o? | how are you? spoken to one person | |
Mexe meen | reply to Nam fi'o | |
Nam numbi u? | how are you? spoken to a group of people | |
Inn ixre meen | reply to Nam numbi u | |
Ta mbind na? | greeting, "how is the family?" | |
Owa maa | reply to Ta mbind na | |
Seri [sei] (Mexico: Sonoran coast.) | ||
Zó taa? | how are you? | |
Zó staa? | how are you?, informal (used by younger people) | |
Zó zo xoma | reply to Zó taa and Zó staa | |
Serrano [ser] (United States of America.) | ||
Ava'aha | general greeting | |
Haminat | general greeting, literally "who is it?" | |
Seselwa Creole [crs] (Seychelles.) | ||
Allo | general greeting | |
Bonzour | general greeting | |
Bon apremidiixaj | afternoon greeting | |
Bonswar | evening greeting | |
Konman sava? | how are you? | |
Konman ou sava? | how are you? | |
Mon byen | reply to Konman ou sava and Konman sava | |
Byen mersi | reply to Konman ou sava and Konman sava | |
Mon byen mersi | reply to Konman ou sava and Konman sava | |
Shabak [sdb] (Iraq.) | ||
Marhaba | general greeting | |
Sarzit ba kher | morning greeting | |
Nimatrot ba kher | afternoon greeting | |
Heragat ba kher | evening greeting | |
Nishtatan ba kher | nighttime greeting | |
Sar sarey sar chami | welcome greeting | |
Shambala [ksb] (Tanzania.) | ||
Onga | general greeting | |
Onga mahundo | morning greeting | |
Onga makeo | morning greeting | |
Onga mshi | afternoon greeting | |
Niwedi | reply to Onga, Onga mahundo, Onga makeo, and Onga mshi | |
Wenukezeze | morning greeting | |
Tizenkuke | reply to Wenukezeze | |
Uhumwezeze | afternoon greeting | |
Tizahumwa | reply to Uhumwezeze | |
Mwaona vihi? | general greeting | |
Ni wedi | reply to Onga mahundo, Onga mshi and Mwaona vihi | |
Ti wedi | reply to Onga mahundo, Onga mshi and Mwaona vihi | |
Ntana | reply to Mwaona vihi | |
Shan [shn] (Myanmar.) | ||
Mai soong kha | general greeting | |
Mai soong | general greeting | |
Yoo le yoo kha? | how are you? | |
Kin khao yao ne? | general greeting, "have you eaten?" | |
Oei | informal greeting in the Tai Long dialect [shn-tao] | |
Pen tsoe hue? | how are you? in the Tai Long dialect [shn-tao] | |
Tsoe hue? | how are you? in the Tai Long dialect [shn-tao] | |
Yoo lee yoo ha? | how are you? in the Tai Long dialect [shn-tao] | |
Yoo lee aw | reply to Yoo lee yoo ha in the Tai Long dialect [shn-tao] | |
Kin khao yao ha? | general greeting, "have you eaten?" in the Tai Long dialect [shn-tao] | |
Kin yao | reply to Kin khao yao ha, "yes, I've eaten" in the Tai Long dialect [shn-tao] | |
Pai kin | reply to Kin khao yao ha, "no, I haven't eaten" in the Tai Long dialect [shn-tao] | |
© 1995 - 2014 by Jennifer Runner. http://users.elite.net/runner/jennifers/ | ||
Sharanahua [mcd] (Peru and Brazil.) | ||
Man moiya | morning greeting | |
Man moiyaran | morning greeting | |
Man yatai | afternoon greeting | |
Man yamuaran | evening greeting | |
Sharamun? | how are you? | |
Un shara | reply to Sharamun | |
Shara | reply to Sharamun | |
Mun nocoa | greeting spoken by a person arriving | |
Min oimen | welcome greeting to a person arriving | |
Man min oimen | welcome greeting to a person arriving | |
Shawi [cbt] (Peru.) | ||
We'kama | general greeting | |
Shawnee [sjw] (United States of America: Oklahoma.) | ||
Hatito | general greeting in the northeastern dialect | |
Ho | general greeting in the southern dialect | |
Bezon | general greeting | |
Bezon nikanaki | general greeting spoken to a friend | |
Howisakisiki | daytime greeting | |
Howisiwapani | morning greeting | |
Wasekiseki | morning greeting | |
Hakiwisilaasamamo? | how are you? | |
Waswasimamo? | how are you? | |
Niwisilasimamo | reply to Hakiwisilaasamamo and Waswasimamo | |
Shehri [shv] (Oman: Dhofar.) | ||
Salám ʻalékum | general greeting | |
ʻAlékum salám | reply to Salám ʻalékum | |
Xbor | general greeting | |
Xbor xer | reply to Xbor | |
Xbār | general greeting | |
Xbār xer | reply to Xbār | |
Tǝḳhɔ́b lek ʻɔfét | general daytime greeting spoken to a man | |
Tǝḳhɔ́b lis̃ ʻɔfét | general daytime greeting spoken to a woman | |
Bǝlék | reply to Tǝḳhɔ́b lek ʻɔfét and Tǝḳhɔ́b lis̃ ʻɔfét spoken to a man | |
Bǝlís̃ | reply to Tǝḳhɔ́b lek ʻɔfét and Tǝḳhɔ́b lis̃ ʻɔfét spoken to a woman | |
Tǝghũk ʻɔfét | morning greeting spoken to a man, "may peace go to you" | |
Tǝghũs̃ ʻɔfét | morning greeting spoken to a woman, "may peace go to you" | |
Bǝtɔ́k tǝghúm | reply to Tǝghũk ʻɔfét and Tǝghũs̃ ʻɔfét spoken to a man | |
Bǝtɔ́s̃ tǝghúm | reply to Tǝghũk ʻɔfét and Tǝghũs̃ ʻɔfét spoken to a woman | |
Táġǝmd lek ʻɔfét | evening greeting spoken to a man | |
Táġǝmd lis̃ ʻɔfét | evening greeting spoken to a woman | |
Bǝlék ǝl áġǝmd | reply to Táġǝmd lek ʻɔfét and Táġǝmd lis̃ ʻɔfét spoken to a man | |
Bǝlís̃ ǝl áġǝmd | reply to Táġǝmd lek ʻɔfét and Táġǝmd lis̃ ʻɔfét spoken to a woman | |
Bǝxár hɛt? | how are you? spoken to a man | |
Bǝxár hit? | how are you? spoken to a woman | |
Bǝxár | reply to Bǝxár hɛt and Bǝxár hit | |
Bǝxár alḥámdu lilláh | reply to Bǝxár hɛt and Bǝxár hit | |
Bǝxár maḥmúd ǝlkǝrím | reply to Bǝxár hɛt and Bǝxár hit | |
Yɔl ɛṣbáḥk? | how are you? spoken to a man, in the morning | |
Yɔl ɛṣbáḥs̃? | how are you? spoken to a woman, in the morning | |
Yɔl ḳǝhέbk? | how are you? spoken to a man, in the afternoon | |
Yɔl ḳǝhέbs̃? | how are you? spoken to a woman, in the afternoon | |
Yɔl aġmɔd́ǝk? | how are you? spoken to a man, in the evening | |
Yɔl aġmɔd́ǝs̃? | how are you? spoken to a woman, in the evening | |
Ya ḥay bek | welcome greeting spoken to a man | |
Sheko [she] (Ethiopia.) | ||
Ʒáʒtə? | how are you? | |
Ʒáʒakì? | how are you? | |
Ʒáʒa hakì? | how are you? | |
Ʒáʒá | reply to Ʒáʒtə, Ʒáʒakì, and Ʒáʒa hakì | |
Ʒáʒá hààyà? | morning greeting | |
Ʒáʒá feeʃ? | afternoon greeting | |
Fāykntə? | how are you? ("are you alive and healthy?") | |
Fāykn nkìkə | reply to Fāykntə | |
Hakarbukì? | how are you? ("are you strong?") | |
Nkarbukə | reply to Hakarbukì | |
Áástə nkya? | how are you? ("are you there?") | |
Nkya | reply to Áástə nkya | |
Shelta [sth] (Ireland.) | ||
Grālt'a | general greeting | |
Slum hawrum | morning greeting | |
Slum dorahōg | evening greeting | |
L'esk mwīlša a hu? | how are you? | |
Mwī'lin topa, mun'ia du hu | reply to L'esk mwīlša a hu | |
Bwikad hu grīson? | how are you? ("any news?") | |
Graaltcha | general greeting in an older dialect | |
Buri talosk | general greeting in an older dialect | |
Stayish an buri gleoch? | how are you? in an older dialect | |
A djonawdu hu? | how are you? in an older dialect | |
Mweel buri | reply to A djonawdu hu in an older dialect | |
Sherbro [bun] (Sierra Leone: Southern Province.) | ||
Moi | general general | |
Nsaka | morning greeting | |
Nsaka seke oo | reply to Nsaka | |
Pekei | afternoon and evening greeting | |
Pekei seke oo | reply to Pekei | |
Osoho wey | nighttime greeting | |
Lal pe jalaha? | how are you? | |
Kasin Chei bahei | reply to Lalpe jalaha | |
Lemo | general greeting in an older (19th century) dialect | |
Mbaa | reply to Lemo | |
Sherpa [xsr] (Nepal.) | ||
Tashi delek | general greeting | |
Owe thangbu | general greeting spoken to friends | |
Thangbu? | how are you? | |
Thangbu ye? | how are you? | |
Thangburang? | how are you? | |
Las thangburang | reply to Thangburang | |
Khyurung khang ki? | how are you? | |
Nga la thangbu rang we | reply to Khyurung khang ki | |
Khyurung chug khyaujig we? | how are you? | |
Nga lyamu rang we | reply to Khyurung chug khyaujig we | |
Thangbu wye? | how are you? spoken in the Solu dialect [xsr-sol] | |
Nga la lemu rang wye | reply to Thangbu wye spoken in the Solu dialect [xsr-sol] | |
Sherpa, Helambu [scp] (Nepal.) | ||
Tashi delek | general greeting | |
Tashi dele | general greeting in the Lamjung Yolmo dialect | |
Khe la ganumu heey? | how are you? | |
Nga la chasangbu heey | reply to Khe la ganumu heey | |
Khye kaahla do e? | where are you going? in the Yolmo dialect | |
Shi [shr] (Congo-Kinshasha: eastern region.) | ||
Asinge | general greeting | |
Musingo | general greeting | |
Kurhi muyosire? | how are you? | |
Murhula | reply to Kurhi muyosire | |
K'a kalembe? | how are you? | |
Rhuzibuhire | reply to K'a kalembe | |
Koko | thank you | |
Muyegerere | welcome greeting | |
Shilluk [shk] (South Sudan: Upper Nile State.) | ||
Mädh rií | general greeting | |
Dëlí yööd? | how are you? | |
Dëla yööd | reply to Dëlí yööd | |
Yï kedh-a keny? | where are you going? | |
Yï bèt ádì? | how are you? in an older (early 20th century) dialect | |
Yá nútì bèdò | reply to Yï bèt ádì | |
Yá bèdì yau | reply to Yï bèt ádì | |
Shina [scl] (Pakistan and India.) | ||
Asalam aleykum | general greeting | |
Asalam aleykum kako | general greeting spoken to a man | |
Asalam aleykum kaki | general greeting spoken to a woman | |
Ala | general greeting | |
Subah baxair | morning greeting | |
They jaik hal han? | how are you? | |
Jaik hal han? | how are you? | |
Ma bilkul thik hanus mehrbani | reply to They jaik hal han and Jaik hal han | |
They kend jaik qisam tarijin? | how are you? | |
They dua sath mishti tharijin | reply to They kend jaik qisam tarijin | |
Yok hal hi? | how are you? in the Astori dialect [scl-ast] | |
Khush amadid | welcome greeting | |
Shipibo-Conibo [shp] (Peru: Ucayail River.) | ||
Jowé | general greeting spoken to one person | |
Bekanwe | general greeting spoken to a group of people | |
Jeje | reply to Jowé and Bekanwe spoken by a man | |
Jojo | reply to Jowé and Bekanwe spoken by a woman | |
Jakon yamekiri | morning greeting | |
Jakon yantan | afternoon greeting | |
Jakon yame | nighttime greeting | |
Miarin? | how are you? | |
Jawe keskarin mia? | how are you? | |
Miaki jawekeska iki? | how are you? | |
Miaki jawen keeni joa? | general greeting spoken to a visitor, literally "what have you come for?" | |
Eara joke mia oini | reply to Miaki jawen keeni joa, literally "I have come to visit you" | |
Eara joke pasiani | reply to Miaki jawen keeni joa, literally "I have come to see you" | |
Shona [sna] (Zimbabwe.) | ||
Mhoro | general greeting spoken to one person | |
Mhoroi | general greeting spoken to a group | |
Ehoi | reply to Mhoro and Mhoroi | |
Masíkatí chirombówe | general greeting spoken by a man | |
Masíkatí shéwe | general greeting spoken by a woman | |
Masíkatí babá | general greeting spoken to a man | |
Masíkatí mái | general greeting spoken to a woman | |
Masíkatí | general greeting | |
Ndaswera maswerawo | reply to Masíkatí | |
Tikukwazisei | formal greeting | |
Kwaziwai | reply to Tikukwazisei | |
Kanjani | formal greeting | |
Kanjan | informal greeting | |
Muri rayiti? | how are you? | |
Uri rayiti? | how are you? informal | |
Ndiri rayiti | reply to Muri rayiti and Uri rayiti | |
Muribho here? | how are you? | |
Uribho here? | how are you? informal | |
Ndiripo | reply to Muribho here and Uribho here | |
Mangwánaní | morning greeting | |
Ndarara kana mararawo | reply to Mangwánaní marara sei | |
Manheru chirombówe | evening greeting spoken by a man | |
Manheru shéwe | evening greeting spoken by a woman | |
Kwaziwa | general greeting spoken to one person in the Chikaranga dialect [sna-kar] | |
Kwaziwai | general greeting spoken to a group of people in the Chikaranga dialect [sna-kar] | |
Ma ka vata? | morning greeting, "how have you slept?" in the Chikaranga dialect [sna-kar] | |
Ta ka vata hedu | reply to Ma ka vata in the Chikaranga dialect [sna-kar] | |
Ma ka fara? | how are you? in the Chikaranga dialect [sna-kar] | |
Ma ka dini? | how are you? in the Chikaranga dialect [sna-kar] | |
Madoka chere? | how are you? in the Mutoko dialect | |
Shoo-Minda-Nye [bcv] (Nigeria: Benue River in Karim Lamido LGA.) | ||
Sakko gua | general greeting in the Kunini (Nye) dialect | |
Shor [cjs] (Russia: Altai Krai, Khakass Autonomous Oblast.) | ||
Эзенок |
ezenok: general greeting |
Эзеноктар |
ezenoktar: general greeting (more respectful) |
Эзен | ezen: general greeting | |
Эзендер |
ezender: general greeting | |
Чакшы эртен | chakshi erten: morning greeting | |
Чакшы кӱн | chakshi kün: daytime greeting | |
Чакшы узу | chakshi uzu: evening greeting | |
Кайде чат турчазаар? | kaide chat turchazaar: how are you? | |
Сеең чадыйың кайдыг? | seeng chadiing kaidig: how are you? | |
Алғыжым ползын, уғаа чакшы | alghizhim polzin, ughaa chakshi: reply to Сеең чадыйың кайдыг | |
Алғыш ползын, магат чакшы | alghish polzin, magat chakshi: reply to Кайде чат турчазаар/Сеең чадыйың кайдыг | |
Алғыш ползын, чобал эмас | alghish polzin, chobal emas: reply to Кайде чат турчазаар/Сеең чадыйың кайдыг | |
Кош келдиниздер | kosh keldinizder: welcome greeting | |
Shoshoni [shh] (United States of America: western region.) | ||
Behne |
general greeting spoken in the Fort Hall dialect [shh-nor] |
Pehnaho |
general greeting spoken in the Western dialect [shh-wes] |
Tsaangu dudugaani |
general greeting |
Tsaangu beaichehku |
morning greeting |
Tsaangu baiche |
morning greeting spoken in the Utah dialect |
Tsaangu yeitabai'yi |
afternoon greeting |
Tsaangu yeitatabai'yi |
afternoon greeting |
Tsaangu yeyeika |
evening greeting |
En hagai netsagaude whiyull? |
how are you? |
Shuar [jiv] (Ecuador: Morona-Santiago Province.) | ||
Chai wiñishi | general greeting | |
Wiñámek? | welcome greeting spoken to a visitor, literally "have you arrived?" | |
Ée, wiñájai | reply to Wiñámek, literally "yes, I have arrived" | |
Chai wiñájai | greeting spoken by a visitor at a house, literally "I have arrived"" | |
Wiñitiá | reply to Chai wiñájai, literally "come in" | |
Pujamek? | greeting spoken by a visitor approaching a house, literally "are you there?" | |
Pujajai | reply to Pujamek, literally "I am here" | |
Shing jak pujam? | how are you? | |
Shing pujajai | reply to Shing jak pujam | |
Penkerak pusan? | how are you? | |
Penker tama | welcome greeting | |
Shubi [suj] (Tanzania: Lake Victoria.) | ||
Mwiliwe | general greeting | |
Olailota | general greeting | |
Ndaileho | reply to Olailota | |
Suura | general greeting | |
Mwalai | morning greeting | |
Shughni [sgh] (Tajikistan.) | ||
Salom | general greeting | |
Salomolek | general greeting | |
Salomolekum | general greeting | |
Tsarang | general greeting | |
Tsarang to avol? | how are you? | |
To avol tsarang? | how are you? | |
To tsarang? | how are you?, informal | |
Khushomaded | welcome greeting | |
Shuswap [shs] (Canada: British Columbia.) | ||
Weytk | general greeting spoken to one person | |
Weytkp | general greeting spoken to a group of people | |
Xweytkp | general greeting spoken to a group of people | |
Le7 te sitk | morning greeting spoken to one person | |
Le7 te sitkp | morning greeting spoken to a group of people | |
Le7en ke7 stscwinúcw? | morning greeting | |
Cxwynúxwk nəkw | morning greeting spoken to a person who just woke up | |
W7écwes k yístucw | nighttime greeting | |
Le7en k tucw? | how are you? | |
Cwelcwélten-k | how are you? in the Eastern dialect | |
Siane [snp] (Papua New Guinea: East Highlands Province.) | ||
Lendae |
morning greeting | |
Lunanga | midday greeting | |
Lumbukae | evening greeting | |
Siang [sya] (Indonesia: Kalimantan.) | ||
Salamat maondo | general daytime greeting | |
Salamat mamalom | nighttime greeting | |
Ome tarung? | how are you? | |
Ome tarung tuh? | how are you? | |
Siar-Lak [sjr] (Papua New Guinea: Namatanai.) | ||
Ep rah akak arim | afternoon greeting | |
Ep rah akak ma arim | afternoon greeting | |
Ep bóng akak arim | nighttime greeting | |
Ep bóng akak ma arim | nighttime greeting | |
U wakak sa? | how are you? | |
U an katah? | where are you going? | |
Sibe [nco] (Papua New Guinea: Bougainville.) | ||
Tabeng | general greeting, literally "good" | |
Taneno tabeng | morning greeting | |
Mudekina tabeng | afternoon greeting | |
Mule tabeng | nighttime greeting | |
Sicilian [scn] (Italy: Sicily.) | ||
Ciau | general greeting | |
Bon giornu | morning greeting | |
Bona vespra | afternoon greeting | |
Bona sira | evening greeting | |
Bona notti | nighttime greeting | |
Comu sta? | how are you? | |
Comu si senti? | how are you? | |
Bonu, grazii | reply to Comu sta and Comu si senti | |
Bonjonnu | morning greeting in the Eastern Nonmetafonetica dialect | |
Bonpunmiriggiu | afternoon greeting in the Eastern Nonmetafonetica dialect | |
Bonasira | evening greeting in the Eastern Nonmetafonetica dialect | |
Bonanotti | nighttime greeting in the Eastern Nonmetafonetica dialect | |
Benvinutu | welcome greeting | |
Sidamo [sid] (Ethiopia: Sidamo zone.) | ||
Keereho | general greeting | |
Keere gallito | morning greeting spoken to a man | |
Keere gallita | morning greeting spoken to a woman | |
Keere galtini | morning greeting spoken to a group | |
Keere hosito | evening greeting spoken to a man | |
Keere hosita | evening greeting spoken to a woman | |
Keere hosini | evening greeting spoken to a group | |
Keere heedhinoonni? | how are you? | |
Keere noota? | how are you? | |
Hittoni nooto? | how are you? spoken to a man | |
Hittoni noota? | how are you? spoken to a woman | |
Hittoni heedhinoy? | how are you? spoken to a group | |
Ayiide magalo? | morning greeting spoken by a visitor ("what is left over from last night?") | |
Ayiide mahonso? | evening greeting spoken by a visitor ("what is left over from the day?") | |
Wo'mino | reply to Ayiide magalo and Ayiide mahonso ("plenty") | |
Hawalle keeruni daitto | welcome greeting | |
Hawalle keeruni daggini | welcome greeting | |
Sie [erg] (Vanuatu: Erramanga Island.) | ||
Pwacah | general greeting | |
Armai pwacah | general greeting | |
Pruvcum | morning greeting | |
Armai pruvcum | morning greeting | |
Pwarap | afternoon greeting | |
Armai pwarap | afternoon greeting | |
Pumroc | nighttime greeting | |
Armai pumroc | nighttime greeting | |
Pau | greeting spoken when meeting a person or seeing a person after an absence | |
Kik pau | greeting spoken to a loved one or respected person, "I love you"/"I admire you" | |
Sikaiana [sky] (Solomon Islands: Sikaiana Atoll.) | ||
Koe a? | how are you? | |
A koe ku aa? | how are you? | |
A koe e haele ki he? | greeting to a person going somewhere, "where are you going?" | |
A koe ni au i he? | greeting spoken to a person arriving, "where have you come from? | |
Sikule [skh] (Indonesia: Simeulue Island.) | ||
Araya kabar? | how are you? in the Alafan dialect | |
Ti kabar? | how are you? in the Salang dialect | |
Atedei kabar? | how are you? in the Simeulue Barat dialect | |
Taya'o? | how are you? in the Teluk Dalam dialect | |
Silesian [szl] (Poland: Silesia.) | ||
Witej | general greeting spoken to one person | |
Witejće | general greeting spoken to a group of people by one person | |
Witojcie | general greeting spoken to a group of people by one person | |
Witojcie u nas | general greeting spoken to a group of people by a group of people | |
Witům | general greeting spoken by one person | |
Witůmy | general greeting spoken by a group of people | |
Szczynść Boże | general greeting, "may God bless you" | |
Dobry dźyń | morning greeting | |
Dobre pouedńe | afternoon greeting (not often used) | |
Jak śe wům daři? | how are you? | |
Jak ći śe daři? | how are you?, informal to one person | |
Dobře | reply to Jak śe wům daři and Jak ći śe daři | |
Dobře, dźynkuja | reply to Jak śe wům daři and Jak ći śe daři | |
Silesian, Lower [sli] (Poland: Silesia.) | ||
Guda Marja | morning greeting in the Gleetzisch dialect | |
Gude Marja | morning greeting in the Kłodzki dialect | |
Guda Mettich | daytime greeting in the Kłodzki dialect | |
Gude Oomd | evening greeting in the Kłodzki dialect | |
Gudn Taag | general greeting | |
Willkumma | welcome greeting | |
Wielkumma | welcome greeting | |
Schien wielkumma | welcome greeting | |
Silt'e [stv] (Ethiopia: Werabey.) | ||
Fäyyandärkä | morning greeting | |
Fäyyəndär | nighttime greeting | |
Simaa [sie] (Zambia.) | ||
Muna pinduku ngepi? | how are you? | |
Simbo [sbb] (Solomon Islands: Simbo Island in Western Province.) | ||
Sakasa jonana | general daytime greeting | |
Gagaja jonana | morning greeting | |
Vevelua jonana | late afternoon and evening greeting | |
Boni jonana | nighttime greeting | |
Asa vea? | how are you? | |
Simeku [smz] (Papua New Guinea: Arawa.) | ||
Dunbara mata |
morning greeting | |
Simeulue [smr] (Indonesia: Sumatra.) | ||
Assalamu'alaikum | general greeting used by Muslims | |
Walaikumussalam | reply to Assalamu'alaikum | |
Araya kabar? | how are you? | |
Baek | reply to Araya kabar | |
Mae o? | where are you going? | |
Simte [smt] (India.) | ||
Chibai | general greeting | |
Sinasina [sst] (Papua New Guinea: Chimbu Province.) | ||
Yay he | general greeting | |
Yay hen uno | general greeting spoken to a friend | |
Yay haipene? | where are you going? spoken to a friend | |
Yalkane? | where are you going? spoken to a group | |
Sinaugoro [snc] (Papua New Guinea: Central Province.) | ||
Amoamo namona | morning greeting in the Babagarupu dialect [snc-bab] | |
Bogibogi namona | morning greeting in the Balawaia dialect [snc-bal] | |
Boiboi namona | morning greeting in the Balawaia dialect [snc-bal] | |
Leilei namona | afternoon greeting in the Balawaia dialect [snc-bal] | |
Pogipogi namana | morning greeting in the Maopa and Aroma dialects | |
Re veiana? | how are you? in the Maopa dialect | |
Ḡaro namona |
general greeting in the Saroa dialect [snc-sar] |
Boḡiboḡi namona |
morning greeting in the Saroa dialect [snc-sar] |
Lavilavi namona |
afternoon greeting in the Saroa [snc-sar] and Aroma dialects |
Boḡi namona |
nighttime greeting in the Saroa dialect [snc-sar] |
Aiḡesi? |
how are you? in the Saroa dialect [snc-sar] |
Bogibogi rogona |
morning greeting in the Sivitatana dialect |
Lavilavi rogona |
afternoon greeting in the Sivitatana dialect |
Bogi bogi | morning greeting in the Taboro dialect [snc-tab] | |
Ravi ravi | afternoon greeting in the Taboro dialect [snc-tab] | |
Bogi | nighttime greeting in the Taboro dialect [snc-tab] | |
Oi rorinai ba? |
how are you? in the Taboro dialect [snc-tab] |
Sindhi [snd] (India and Pakistan.) | ||
Salam | general greeting | |
Kahiro haal aahe | general greeting | |
Saaiin | general greeting spoken to a man | |
Tanwaa kiin aahiyo? | how are you? | |
Maa thiik aahiyan sukra aahe | reply to Tanwaa kiin aahiyo | |
Tanwaajo kahiro haal aahe? | how are you? | |
Tavahaan kiian aahiyo? | how are you? | |
Dharniia jii mihira saan | reply to Tavahaan kiian aahiyo | |
Kiian aahiyo? | how are you? | |
Kiian aahiin? | how are you? | |
Aa'um | reply to Kiian aahiyo and Kiian aahiin | |
Maa thiik aahiyan | reply to Kiian aahiyo and Kiian aahiin | |
Bhale kare aayaa | welcome greeting | |
Sinhala [sin] (Sri Lanka.) | ||
ආයුබෝවන් | ayubovan: general greeting | |
හලෝ | halo: informal greeting | |
කොහොමද සැප සනිප? | kohomadha saepa sanipa: how are you? | |
සැප සනීප කොහොමද? | saepa sanipa kohomadha: how are you? | |
කොහොමද? | kohomadha: how are you? informal | |
හොඳයි | hondhi: reply to කොහොමද සැප සනිප and කොහොමද | |
හොඳින් ඉන්නවා | hondhin innava: reply to කොහොමද සැප සනිප and කොහොමද | |
ඉස්තුති මම හොදින් ඉන්නව | istuti mama hodin innava: reply to කොහොමද සැප සනිප and කොහොමද | |
සුභ උදෑසනක් | subha udhasanak: morning greeting | |
සුභ දවාලක් | subha dhawalak: daytime greeting | |
සුභ සැන්දෑවක් | subha sandhavak: evening greeting | |
සුභ රාත්රියක් | subha rathriyak: evening and nighttime greeting | |
සාදරයෙන් පිලිගන්නවා | sadarayen piligannawa: welcome greeting | |
Sininkere [skq] (Burkina Faso: Sanmatenga.) | ||
Mki la keeri | general greeting | |
Ka sunka keeri | evening greeting | |
Sinsauru [snz] (Papua New Guinea: Madang Province.) | ||
Maka sapiwate | morning greeting | |
Sayopu | afternoon greeting | |
Satokapio | nighttime greeting | |
Sinú [0zo] (Colombia.) | ||
Chaogiig peeu | morning greeting | |
Sio [xsi] (Papua New Guinea: Morobe Province.) | ||
Bo ara | morning greeting | |
Kari ara | midday greeting | |
Boyo ara | evening greeting | |
Koko sinia? | where are you going? | |
Siona [snn] (Colombia: Putumayo River.) | ||
Baikë | general greeting | |
Ba'iguë më'ë | general greeting | |
Wejaikë | general greeting | |
Deoñataë | morning greeting | |
Deoñami | afternoon greeting | |
Deoneato | evening greeting | |
Jarona saigue'ne? | where are you going? | |
Sipakapense [qum] (Guatemala: San Marcos Department.) | ||
Q'ajla'neem | general greeting | |
Sira [swj] (Gabon.) | ||
Mbulu | general greeting | |
Mbuluani | general greeting spoken to a group | |
Siraya [fos] (Taiwan.) | ||
Pil kot ia naoiat | general greeting in the Pingpo dialect | |
Pasirariuan | general greeting | |
Siriano [sri] (Colombia. Brazil.) | ||
Arari mʉ? | greeting spoken to a visitor, "you've arrived?" | |
Sirionó [srq] (Bolivia.) | ||
June | general greeting | |
Yaci etura | general greeting | |
Siroi [ssd] (Papua New Guinea: Madang Province.) | ||
Kaiye | general greeting | |
Ne ani kinit? | where are you going? | |
Sisaala, Tumulung [sil] (Ghana.) | ||
Bedia | morning greeting | |
Ediapina | reply to Bedia | |
Sisaala, Western [ssl] (Ghana.) | ||
Tapulla | morning greeting | |
Wolonna | afternoon greeting | |
Sissala [sld] (Burkina Faso: Sissili Province.) | ||
Nsie? | how are you? spoken to one person | |
Madepunaa? | how are you? spoken to a group | |
Sivandi [siy] (Iran: Sivand in Fars Province.) | ||
Selâm | general greeting | |
Siwai [siw] (Papua New Guinea: Bougainville.) | ||
Mirahu | general greeting | |
Mirahu meng | general greeting | |
Kia'kia' mirahu | morning greeting | |
Kia'kia' meng | morning greeting | |
Kia'kia' mirahu | morning greeting | |
Kia'kia' mirahu meng | morning greeting | |
Linono | afternoon greeting | |
Mungo | evening and nighttime greeting | |
Mungo mirahu | evening and nighttime greeting | |
Siwi [siz] (Egypt.) | ||
Azul | general greeting | |
Azul felawen | greeting spoken to a group | |
Keem | welcome greeting, "come in" | |
Siwu [akp] (Ghana.) | ||
Lòya ɔ | morning greeting spoken to one person | |
Lòya mì | morning greeting spoken to a group | |
Bò ya mì | morning greeting spoken to a group | |
Arɛ kpoo-o? | morning greeting spoken to one person, "did you sleep soundly?" | |
Mì rɛ kpoo? | morning greeting spoken to a group | |
Kpoo | reply to Lòya ɔ, Lòya mì, Arɛ kpoo-o, and Mì rɛ kpoo | |
Màturi-ɔ rɛ-ɛ? | morning greeting spoken to one person, "did your people sleep well?" | |
Asarɛ-ɛ? | how are you? | |
Aĩ, lo-sarɛ ló | reply to Asarɛ-ɛ | |
Kpokporo kpoo? | how are you? | |
Kpokporo kpo alɛ ìta | reply to Kpokporo kpoo | |
Skou [skv] (Indonesia: Papua.) | ||
Ráng héfèng | general daytime greeting | |
Fetànghapa héfèng | morning greeting | |
Rángleng héfèng | afternoon greeting | |
Rángpang héfèng | evening greeting | |
Slavey, North [scs] (Canada: Mackenzie District.) | ||
Negha dágóht’e |
general greeting | |
Máhsı | welcome greeting, "thank you" | |
Máhsı hejǫ raxets’é ráwǝdǝ | welcome greeting | |
Slavey, South [xsl] (Canada: Mackenzie District.) | ||
Nezu dágóts’e |
general greeting | |
Do ne nie? | how are you? | |
Máhsı | welcome greeting, "thank you" | |
Máhsı ejǫh nahxe tah anet’ı̧ | welcome greeting | |
Slavomolisano [svm] (Italy: Molise.) | ||
Dobar dan | general greeting | |
Kaka gre? | how are you? | |
Slavonic, Old Church [chu] (Russia.) | ||
Привѣтъ | privětŭ: general greeting | |
privěchayon: general greeting | |
Цѣлъı | tsěly: general greeting | |
Вьсѣмъ привѣчаѭ | vĭsěmĭ privěchayon: greeting spoken to a group of people | |
Привѣчаѭ вьсѣмъ | privěchayon vĭsěmĭ: greeting spoken to a group of people | |
Добро оутро | dobro outro: morning greeting | |
Добръ дьнь | dobr' d'n': general daytime greeting | |
Поклонъ ти | poklon' ti: greeting spoken to one person | |
Поклонъ въı | poklon' vy: formal greeting spoken to one person | |
Поклонъ ва | poklon' va: greeting spoken to a group | |
Кланıаѭ ти сѧ | klaniayo ti sye: greeting spoken to one person | |
Кланıаѭ въı сѧ | klaniayo vy sye: greetingb spoken to one person | |
Кланıаѭ ва сѧ | klaniayo va sye: greeting spoken to a group | |
Съдоровъ ли єси? | s'dorov' li esi: how are you? | |
Съдорови ли єстє? | s'dorovi li este: how are you? | |
Съдорова ли єста? | s'dorova li esta: how are you? spoken to a group | |
Добро | dobro: reply to Съдоровъ ли єси and Съдорови ли єстє | |
Хвала Богоу | hvala bogou: religious reply to Съдоровъ ли єси and Съдорови ли єстє, "praise God" | |
Слава Богоу | slava bogou: religious reply to Съдоровъ ли єси and Съдорови ли єстє, "glory to God" | |
Радуйся | raduisya: religious greeting, "rejoice" | |
Радуйтеся | raduitesya: religious greeting, "rejoice" | |
Слово добро | slovo dobro: religious greeting, "good word" | |
Добрѣ прити | dobrě priti: welcome greeting | |
Просимъ | prosim': welcome greeting | |
Просивѣ | prosivě: welcome greeting spoken to a group | |
Slovak [slk] (Slovakia.) | ||
Dobrý deň | general daytime greeting | |
Dobré ráno | early morning greeting | |
Dobré popoludnie | afternoon greeting (not often used, used Dobrý deň during the afternoon instead) | |
Dober večer | evening greeting | |
Dobrú noc | nighttime greeting | |
Ahoj | informal greeting spoken to one person | |
Ahojte | informal greeting spoken to a group of people | |
Nazdar | informal greeting | |
Čau | informal greeting | |
Ako sa mate? | how are you? formal | |
Ako sa maš? | how are you? informal | |
Ako sa ti dari? | how are things? informal | |
Ďakujem, dobre | reply to Ako sa mate and Ako sa maš | |
Dobre | reply to Ako sa mate, Ako sa maš, and Ako sa ti dari | |
Vitaj | welcome greeting spoken to one person | |
Vitajte | welcome greeting spoken to a group of people | |
Slovene [slv] (Slovenia.) | ||
Pozdravljeni | general greeting spoken to a man | |
Pozdravljena | general greeting spoken to a woman | |
Pozdravljen | general greeting | |
Pozdrav | informal greeting | |
Dober dan | general daytime greeting | |
Dobro jutro | early morning greeting | |
Dober večer | evening greeting | |
Kako se imate? | how are you? formal | |
Kako se imaš? | how are you? informal | |
Kako si? | how are you? informal | |
Dobro | reply to Kako se imate, Kako se imaš, and Kako si | |
Dobro, hvala | reply to Kako se imate, Kako se imaš, and Kako si | |
Dobrodošli | welcome greeting | |
Dobrodošel | welcome greeting spoken to a man | |
Dobrodošla | welcome greeting spoken to a woman | |
Živio | general greeting used in Ljubljana [slv-upp] | |
Živijo | general greeting used in Ljubljana [slv-upp] | |
Čau | general greeting used in coastal regions [slv-lit] | |
Zdravo | general greeting used in Maribor [slv-slh] | |
Zdrav bojdi | general greeting to a man in the Prekmurian dialect [slv-pre] | |
Zdrava bojdi | general greeting to a woman in the Prekmurian dialect [slv-pre] | |
Soga [xog] (Uganda: Busoga Province.) | ||
Wasuze otya isebo | morning greeting spoken to a man | |
Wasuze otya inhabo | morning greeting spoken to a woman | |
Mwasuze mutya | morning greeting spoken to a group | |
Wasuze otyanno isebo | morning greeting spoken to a man | |
Wasuze otyanno inhabo | morning greeting spoken to a woman | |
Wagoodhie otya isebo | morning greeting spoken to a man | |
Wagoodhie otya inhabo | morning greeting spoken to a woman | |
Nagoodhie bukalamu | reply to Wagoodhie otya | |
Osiibye otya isebo | afternoon and evening greeting spoken to a man | |
Osiibye otya inhabo | afternoon and evening greeting spoken to a woman | |
Osiibye otyanno isebo | afternoon and evening greeting spoken to a man | |
Osiibye otyanno inhabo | afternoon and evening greeting spoken to a woman | |
Musiibye mutya | afternoon and evening greeting spoken to a group | |
Bulungi | reply to Wasuze otyanno and Osiibye otyanno | |
Bulungi isebo | reply to Wasuze otyanno and Osiibye otyanno spoken to a man | |
Bulungi inhabo | reply to Wasuze otyanno and Osiibye otyanno spoken to a woman | |
Olí otya? | how are you? | |
Ndi bukalamu | reply to Olí otyá | |
Koodhi eyo? | how are you? | |
Koodh'eyo? | how are you? | |
Tuliyo | reply to Koodhi eyo and Koodh'eyo | |
Tubaireyo bukalamu | reply to Koodhi eyo and Koodh'eyo | |
Balio | reply to Koodhi eyo and Koodh'eyo | |
Koodi | greeting spoken when visiting a house | |
Ab'eno koodi | greeting spoken when visiting a house | |
Kalibu | welcome greeting | |
Soli [sby] (Zambia: Central Province.) | ||
Mwali bishi? | how are you? | |
Solos [sol] (Papua New Guinea: Bougainville Province.) | ||
Tsi bongbong |
morning greeting |
Tsi ne | afternoon greeting | |
Tsi bong | nighttime greeting | |
Somba-Siawari [bmu] (Papua New Guinea: Morobe Province.) | ||
Söŋan | morning greeting | |
Silim | noontime greeting | |
Mare | afternoon greeting | |
Maregi ölöpŋi | afternoon greeting spoken to a close friend | |
Maregamni ölöpŋi | afternoon greeting spoken to a close friend | |
Suŋgem ölöpŋi | nighttime greeting | |
Suŋgem | nighttime greeting | |
Somali [som] (Somalia and Ethiopia.) | ||
Subax wanaagsan | morning greeting | |
Galab wanaagsan | afternoon greeting | |
Fiid wanaagsan | evening greeting | |
Habeen wanaagsan | nighttime greeting | |
Assalaamu calaykum | general greeting spoken by Muslims | |
Calaykum assalaam | reply to Assalaamu calaykum | |
Waryaa | informal greeting spoken to a man | |
Iska waran? | how are you? | |
See tahay? | how are you? | |
Sidee tahay? | how are you? | |
Nabad miyaa? | how are you? spoken in the southern region | |
Ma nabad baa? | how are you? spoken in the northern region [som-nor] | |
Nabad ma jirtto? | how are you? spoken in the Benaadir dialect [som-ben] | |
Nabad | reply to Iska waran, Ma nabad baa, and Nabad miya | |
Nabad iyo caano | reply to Iska waran, Ma nabad baa, and Nabad miya | |
Waa nabad | reply to Iska waran, Ma nabad baa, and Nabad miya | |
Waan fiicanyahay | reply to Iska waran, See tahay and Sidee tahay | |
Waa la fiicanyahay | reply to Iska waran, See tahay and Sidee tahay | |
Maxaad sheegtay? | how are you?, literally "what did you tell" | |
Waa la wanaagsanyahay | reply to Maxaad sheegtay | |
Xaat sheegtay? | how are you? in the Abgaal (northern Benaadir) dialect [som-ben] | |
Ma la fiicno? | how is everyone? in the Benaadir dialect [som-ben] | |
Soo dhowow | welcome greeting | |
Somali [som] (Somalia and Ethiopia.) | ||
Subax wanaagsan | morning greeting | |
Galab wanaagsan | afternoon greeting | |
Fiid wanaagsan | evening greeting | |
Habeen wanaagsan | nighttime greeting | |
Assalaamu calaykum | general greeting spoken by Muslims | |
Calaykum assalaam | reply to Assalaamu calaykum | |
Waryaa | informal greeting spoken to a man | |
Iska waran? | how are you? | |
See tahay? | how are you? | |
Sidee tahay? | how are you? | |
Nabad miyaa? | how are you? spoken in the southern region | |
Ma nabad baa? | how are you? spoken in the northern region [som-nor] | |
Nabad ma jirtto? | how are you? spoken in the Benaadir dialect [som-ben] | |
Nabad | reply to Iska waran, Ma nabad baa, and Nabad miya | |
Nabad iyo caano | reply to Iska waran, Ma nabad baa, and Nabad miya | |
Waa nabad | reply to Iska waran, Ma nabad baa, and Nabad miya | |
Waan fiicanyahay | reply to Iska waran, See tahay and Sidee tahay | |
Waa la fiicanyahay | reply to Iska waran, See tahay and Sidee tahay | |
Maxaad sheegtay? | how are you?, literally "what did you tell" | |
Waa la wanaagsanyahay | reply to Maxaad sheegtay | |
Xaat sheegtay? | how are you? in the Abgaal (northern Benaadir) dialect [som-ben] | |
Ma la fiicno? | how is everyone? in the Benaadir dialect [som-ben] | |
Soo dhowow | welcome greeting | |
Songhay, Humburi Senni [hmb] (Mali: Hombori region.) | ||
Nà làfiyâ | general greeting | |
Là làfíyâ | general greeting | |
Làfíyâ | general greeting | |
Àlhámdùlìllây | reply to Làfíyâ | |
Bànì bár gàŋ | general greeting | |
Kàl bànì sábáy | reply to Bànì bár gàŋ | |
Móté ŋ káni? | general greeting | |
Kàl bàni | reply to Móté ŋ káni | |
Híré bànì | evening greeting | |
Songhay, Koyraboro Senni [ses] (Mali: southeastern region.) | ||
Fofo | general greeting spoken to one person | |
Wa fofo | general greeting spoken to a group | |
Manti ni kaani? | morning greeting | |
Baani sani, walla | reply to Manti ni kaani | |
Matu nu go? | how are you? to one person | |
Matu wor go? | how are you? to a group | |
Baani sani | reply to Matu nu go and Matu wor go | |
Songhay, Koyra Chiini [khq] (Mali: Timbuktu.) | ||
Nda gomni | general greeting | |
Nda laafiya | general greeting | |
Ni čiji kani mote? | morning greeting spoken to one person | |
War čiji kani mote? | morning greeting spoken to a group of people | |
Ni nda subu | morning greeting spoken to one person | |
War nda subu | morning greeting spoken to a group of people | |
Ni nda hoy | midday greeting spoken to one person | |
War nda hoy | midday greeting spoken to a group of people | |
Soninke [snk] (Mali, Senegal, and Côte d'Ivoire.) | ||
Assalaamu alaykum | general greeting | |
Wa alaykum assalaam | reply to Assalaamu alaykum | |
Malaykum assalaam | reply to Assalaamu alaykum | |
An moxo | general greeting spoken to one person | |
An wira moxo | morning greeting spoken to one person | |
An wuyi jam | morning greeting spoken to one person | |
An wu jam | morning greeting spoken to one person | |
Xa wu jam | morning greeting spoken to a group of people | |
Jam baane | reply to An moxo, An wira moxo, An wuyi jam, and Xa wu jam | |
Maajam | reply to An moxo, An wira moxo, An wuyi jam, and Xa wu jam | |
Hortora mawii? | morning greeting, "did you sleep well?" | |
Wii ranho bari? | morning greeting, "how was the sleep?" | |
Kira | noontime greeting spoken to one person | |
An kira jam | noontime greeting spoken to one person | |
Xa kira | noontime greeting spoken to a group of people | |
Hortora makira? | afternoon greeting | |
Lela | afternoon greeting spoken to one person | |
Xa lela | afternoon greeting spoken to a group of people | |
Nela | evening greeting spoken to one person | |
Xa nela | evening greeting spoken to a group of people | |
Suunka | nighttime greeting spoken to one person | |
Xa suunka | nighttime greeting spoken to a group of people | |
Ahaba | reply to Kira, Lela, Nela, and Suunka spoken by a man | |
Kaari | reply to Kira, Lela, Nela, and Suunka spoken by a woman | |
No bana bana wuli | nighttime greeting, "may we get up one by one" | |
An kubare? | how are you? spoken to one person | |
Xa kubare? | how are you? spoken to a group of people | |
Hororanta? | how are you? | |
An ña kan moxo? | how are you? | |
Xa bisimilah | welcome greeting | |
© 1995 - 2014 by Jennifer Runner. http://users.elite.net/runner/jennifers/ | ||
Sonsorol [sov] (Palau: Sonsorol and Pulo Anna.) | ||
Emaho laari | general daytime greeting | |
Emaho nimarieri | morning greeting | |
Emaho dewa nimarieri | morning greeting | |
Emaho rotoiyet | afternoon greeting | |
Emaho dewa rotoiyet | afternoon greeting | |
Emaho nifahafi | evening greeting spoken in the Sonsorol Island dialect | |
Emaho dewa nifahafi | evening greeting spoken in the Sonsorol Island dialect | |
Emaho nidahadi | evening greeting spoken in the Pulo Anna dialect | |
Howeya meta? | how are you? | |
Imaho sahu | reply to Howeya meta | |
Ho feita? | what are you doing? to one person | |
Hau feita? | what are you doing? to a group of people | |
Soo [teu] (Uganda: Moroto.) | ||
Neɓo | general greeting | |
Neɓo ro | general greeting | |
Lat | general greeting | |
Mek esin | reply to Lat | |
Soqotri [sqt] (Yemen: Soqotra Island.) | ||
'Al ga'ork | general greeting | |
Kfe kal ga'ork |
general greeting | |
'Al ga'ork wal ḥébork qaíre |
reply to Kfe kal ga'ork | |
'Al ba'ar | morning greeting | |
'Al ba'areken | morning greeting | |
'Al ba'aroh | morning greeting | |
Tiba'arak diya di allah | reply to 'Al ba'aroh | |
Mon di be'áriš? | how are you? in the morning | |
'Al ba'ar | reply to Mon di be'áriš | |
'Inim šak? | how are you? | |
'Inim šaken? | how are you? | |
Bikheyr | reply to 'Inim šak and 'Inim šaken | |
Dibál bileh di be'ároh? | how are you? in the morning | |
Dibál bīleh di qéhabótken? |
how are you? in the afternoon | |
Mon 'éykin? | how are you? used when you've already seen the person earlier in the day | |
Bíśi díaḥ kal díye |
reply to Dibál bileh di be'ároh, Dibál bīleh di qéhabótken, and Mon 'éykin | |
Mon di qehébi? | how are you? in the afternoon | |
'Al qohób | reply to Mon di qehébi | |
Állāh yebárek | general greeting | |
Horten laha? | how are you, literally "are you all right here?", in the northwestern dialect [sqt-nwc] | |
'Afiya we diye | reply to Horten laha in the northwestern dialect [sqt-nwc] | |
Sora [srb] (India: South Orissa.) | ||
Nintam | general greeting | |
Limtam | general greeting | |
Bung sa po? | how are you? | |
Bung sa | reply to Bung sa po | |
Sorbian, Lower [dsb] (Germany.) | ||
Dobry źeń | general daytime greeting | |
Dobre zajtšo | morning greeting | |
Dobry wjacor | evening greeting | |
Dobru noc | nighttime greeting | |
Kak se Wam źo? | how are you? formal | |
Kak se śi źo? | how are you? informal | |
Kak se ma? | how are you? | |
Witaj | welcome greeting spoken to one person | |
Witajśo | welcome greeting spoken to a group of people | |
Sorbian, Upper [hsb] (Germany.) | ||
Dobry dźeń | general daytime greeting | |
Dobre ranje | morning greeting | |
Dobry wječor | evening greeting | |
Dobru nóc | nighttime greeting | |
Halo | informal greeting | |
Postrow | informal greeting | |
Kak so Wam dźe? | how are you? formal | |
Kak so Wam wjedźe? | how are you? formal | |
Kak so tebi dźe? | how are you? informal | |
Kak so tebi wjedźe? | how are you? informal | |
Kak so ći wjedźe? | how are you? informal | |
Kak so ći dźe? | how are you? informal | |
Witaj | welcome greeting spoken to one person | |
Witajće | welcome greeting spoken to a group of people | |
Sorsogon Waray [srv] (Philippines.) | ||
Mayad nga adlaw | general daytime greeting | |
Mayad nga aga | morning greeting | |
Mayad nga gab-i | evening greeting | |
Sos Kundi [sdk] (Papua New Guinea: East Sepik Province Province.) | ||
Iken gabika | morning greeting | |
Koha? | how are you? are you all right? | |
Sotho, Northern [nso] (South Africa: Transvaal.) | ||
Dumela | general greeting spoken to one person | |
Dumelang | general greeting spoken to a group of people | |
Thobela | general greeting | |
O kae? | how are you? spoken to one person | |
Le kae? | how are you? spoken to a group of people | |
Ke gona | reply to O kae and Le kae | |
Le nna ke gona, ke a leboga | formal reply to O kae and Le kae | |
Re a le amogela | welcome greeting | |
Sotho, Southern [sot] (Lesotho and South Africa.) | ||
Lumela | general greeting spoken to one person in the Lesotho dialect | |
Lumelang | general greeting spoken to a group of people in the Lesotho dialect | |
Dumela | general greeting spoken to one person in the South African dialect | |
Dumelang | general greeting spoken to a group of people in the South African dialect | |
Helele | general greeting | |
Kgotso | general greeting spoken to one person in the South African dialect | |
Kgotsong | general greeting spoken to a group of people in the South African dialect | |
Khotso | general greeting spoken to one person in the Lesotho dialect | |
Khotsong | general greeting spoken to a group of people in the Lesotho dialect | |
Mmoro | morning greeting spoken to one person in the Lesotho and South African dialects | |
Mmorong | morning greeting to a group of people in the Lesotho and South African dialects | |
Fonane | evening greeting spoken to one person in the Lesotho and South African dialects | |
Fonaneng | evening greeting spoken to a group of people in the Lesotho and South African dialects | |
Helele | informal greeting in the South African dialect | |
Hai | informal greeting in the South African dialect | |
K |
how are you? in the morning in the South African dialect | |
K |
how are you? in the morning in the Lesotho dialect | |
Ke tsohile hantle | reply to Ke tsohile joang / jwang in the South African and Lesotho dialects | |
O phela joang? | how are you? in the South African dialect | |
O phela hantle | reply to O phela joang in the South African dialect | |
U phela jwang? | how are you? in the Lesotho dialect | |
U phela hantle | reply to U phela jwang in the Lesotho dialect | |
U kae? | how are you? spoken to one person in the Lesotho dialect | |
O kae? | how are you? spoken to one person in the South African dialect | |
Ke teng | reply to U kae and O kae in the Lesotho and South African dialects | |
Le kae? | how are you? spoken to a group of people in the Lesotho and South African dialects | |
Re teng | reply to Le kae in the Lesotho and South African dialects | |
Re a le amohela | welcome greeting | |
Kena ka khotso | welcome greeting spoken to one person in the Lesotho dialect | |
Kenang ka khotso | welcome greeting spoken to a group in the Lesotho dialect | |
Kena ka kgotso | welcome greeting spoken to one person in the South African dialect | |
Kenang ka kgotso | welcome greeting spoken to a group in the South African dialect | |
Sowa [sww] (Vanuatu: Central Raga Island.) | ||
Ran awê | daytime greeting | |
Ran adwus | daytime greeting | |
Bông awê | nighttime greeting | |
Bông adwus | nighttime greeting | |
Ki mwa ba sawôt? | where are you going? | |
Mwa ba sawôt? | where are you going? | |
Ki ti maê sawôt? | where have you been? | |
Ti maê sawôt? | where have you been? | |
Spanish [spa] (Spain, Mexico, and various countries in Central and South America.) | ||
Buenos días | morning greeting | |
Buenas tardes | afternoon and evening greeting | |
Buenas noches | nighttime greeting | |
Hola | informal greeting | |
¿Cómo está? | how are you? spoken to one person, formal | |
¿Cómo está usted? | how are you? spoken to one person, formal | |
¿Cómo estás? | how are you? spoken to one person, informal | |
¿Cómo están? | how are you? spoken to a group of people | |
¿Cómo están ustedes? | how are you? spoken to a group of people | |
Bien | rely to Cómo está, Cómo está usted, Cómo estás, and Cómo están | |
Muy bien | rely to Cómo está, Cómo está usted, Cómo estás, and Cómo están | |
Bien, gracias | rely to Cómo está, Cómo está usted, Cómo estás, and Cómo están | |
Estoy bien | rely to Cómo está, Cómo está usted, and Cómo estás | |
¿Qué tal? | how are you? informal | |
¿Qué tal andas? | how are you? informal | |
¿Qué hay de nuevo? | how are you? informal, "what's new" | |
¿Qué hay? | how are you? informal, "what's new" | |
¿Qué novedades traes? | how are you? informal, "what news do you bring" | |
¿Cómo lo llevas? | how are you? informal, "how's it going?" | |
¿Qué pasa? | how are you? informal, "what's happening", used in Spain [spa-cas] | |
¿Qué pasó? | how are you? informal, "what happened", used in Mexico and Cuba [spa-ame] | |
Buen día | morning greeting, spoken in Argentina and Costa Rica [spa-ame] | |
Buenas | informal greeting, spoken in Spain [spa-cas] | |
¿Qué onda? | how are you? informal, spoken in Mexico [spa-ame] | |
¿Qué hubo? | how are you? informal, spoken in Mexico [spa-ame] | |
¿Qué húbole? | how are you? informal, spoken in Mexico [spa-ame] | |
Quiubo | how are you? very informal, spoken in Mexico, Central and South America [spa-ame] | |
Quiúbolas | how are you? very informal, spoken in Mexico [spa-ame] | |
Quiay | how are you? very informal, spoken in Colombia [spa-ame] | |
Epa | how are you? very informal, spoken in Venezuela [spa-ame] | |
Épale | how are you? very informal, spoken in Venezuela [spa-ame] | |
Diay | how are you? very informal, spoken in Costa Rica [spa-ame] | |
Idiay | how are you? very informal, spoken in Costa Rica [spa-ame] | |
Buenos días le dé Dios | greeting used in the southwest United States [spa-ame] | |
Buenos días te dé Dios | greeting used in the southwest United States [spa-ame] | |
¡Qué milagro! | greeting spoken to a person after a long or unexpected absence, "what a miracle!" | |
Bienvenido | welcome greeting spoken to a man | |
Bienvenida | welcome greeting spoken to a woman | |
Bienvenidos | welcome greeting spoken to a group of people | |
Spiti Bhoti [spt] (India: Himachal Pradesh.) | ||
Jule | general greeting | |
Ju | informal greeting | |
Spokane [spo] (United States of America: northeastern Washington.) | ||
Aʕ | general greeting | |
Aʕ, xest sxlxalt | general daytime greeting | |
ʔe, xest sxlxalt | general daytime greeting | |
Xest sxlxalt | general daytime greeting | |
Xest sxlxalt pesya | general daytime greeting spoken to a group of people | |
Aʕ, xest skwekwst | morning greeting | |
Aʕ, xest sč'luxw | evening greeting | |
Aʕ, xest skwkwʔec | nighttime greeting | |
Kweceščen? | how are you? | |
Hi čn xis | reply to Kweceščen | |
Aʕ ha hiqw xis? | how are you? | |
Aʕ lʔe kw ʔemut | reply to Aʕ ha hiqw xis | |
Čn xis lemlmtš | reply to Aʕ ha hiqw xis | |
Squamish [squ] (Canada: British Columbia.) | ||
Nuu | general greeting | |
Klayhowya | general greeting | |
Tl'ik chen | greeting spoken by a visitor, literally "I've arrived" | |
Tl'ik chexw | greeting spoken to a visitor, literally "you've arrived" | |
Mi chexw uys | welcome greeting, "come inside" | |
Sranan [srn] (Suriname.) | ||
Odi | general greeting | |
Dag | general greeting | |
Gu morgu | morning greeting | |
Morgu | morning greeting | |
Koemara | morning greeting | |
Nafu | evening greeting | |
Nafoen | evening greeting | |
Koeneti | nighttime greeting | |
Fawaka? | how are you? | |
Ai go bun | reply to Fawaka | |
Hódi | older general greeting, used in the 18th century | |
Odi-ódi ó | older general greeting, used in the 19th century | |
Sri Lankan Creole Malay [sci] (Sri Lanka: Colombo, Kandy, Badulla, Hambantota, and Kirinda.) | ||
Slaamath | general greeting | |
Slaamath pagi | morning greeting | |
Slaamath soore | afternoon and evening greeting | |
Slaamath maalang | nighttime greeting | |
Slaamath dhaathang | welcome greeting | |
Salam aleikum | general greeting used by Muslims | |
Stellingwerfs [stl] (Netherlands: Stellingwerven region.) | ||
Haj | general greeting | |
Haaj | general greeting | |
Huj | general greeting | |
Moj | general greeting | |
Goeiendag | general greeting | |
Goeiedag | general greeting | |
Dag | general greeting | |
Daag | general greeting | |
Mogge | morning greeting | |
Goeiemorgen | morning greeting | |
Goeienaovend | evening greeting | |
Genaovend | evening greeting | |
'N aovend | evening greeting | |
Welterusten | nighttime greeting | |
Weltrusten | nighttime greeting | |
Weldrusten | nighttime greeting | |
Meuj | general greeting in the Steenwijks dialect | |
Stod Bhoti [sbu] (India: Himachal Pradesh.) | ||
Jule | general greeting | |
Stoney [sto] (Canada: Alberta.) | ||
Hau | general greeting spoken by a man | |
Han | general greeting spoken by a man | |
Hau kona | general greeting spoken by a man to a friend | |
Han mikona | general greeting spoken by a man to a friend | |
Suau [swp] (Papua New Guinea: Milne Bay Province.) | ||
Eawedo | general greeting | |
Eawedo goma | general greeting | |
Malatomtom lolona | morning greeting | |
Maimailahi lolona | afternoon greeting | |
Maiona lolona | nighttime greeting | |
Ko namowa namowa? | how are you? in the Logea Island dialect | |
Amatoi | welcome greeting | |
Suba [sxb] (Kenya: Lake Victoria, Mfangano, and Rusinga.) | ||
Ukiere inoo | morning greeting | |
Subanen, Central [syb] (Philippines: Minandao, Zamboanga, Sulu Archipelago.) | ||
Gempia gendaw | daytime greeting | |
Gempia siselem | morning greeting | |
Gempia taasendaw | midday greeting | |
Gempia delabung | afternoon greeting | |
Gempia remma | afternoon greeting | |
Gempia gebii | evening and nighttime greeting | |
Dai' getaw dun? | greeting spoken when approaching a house | |
Ain ka pegangay? | where are you going? | |
Ain ka angay? | where are you going? | |
Mekpanawpanaw dau dini | reply to Ain ka angay, "I am just walking" | |
Pegangayu ditug benwa niu | reply to Ain ka angay, "I am going to your place" | |
Ain ka buat? | where are you coming from? | |
Gempia pegdateng | welcome greeting | |
Dayun ka dini seled | welcome greeting, "come in" | |
Subanen, Southern [laa] (Philippines: Minandao and Zamboanga.) | ||
Getaw | greeting spoken when approaching a house | |
Arin ha angay? | where are you going? | |
Mangay u ritu | reply to Arin ha angay, "I am going there" | |
Pephanaw panaw u lak | reply to Arin ha angay, "I am just walking" | |
Mangay u tu ryanyu | reply to Arin ha angay, "I am going to your place" | |
Ditu phari'an | reply to Arin ha angay, "I am going to the market" | |
Arin ha genat? | where are you coming from? | |
Seled amu | welcome greeting, "come in" | |
Subanon, Western [suc] (Philippines: Zamboanga Peninsula.) | ||
Molongas gondaw | daytime greeting | |
Ombais gondaw | daytime greeting | |
Gompya gondaw | daytime greeting | |
Piag gondaw |
daytime greeting | |
Molongas gondaw sog glam niu | daytime greeting spoken to a group of people | |
Ombais gondaw sog glam niu | daytime greeting spoken to a group of people | |
Gompya nog gondaw sog glam niu | daytime greeting spoken to a group of people | |
Molongas sisolom | late morning and early afternoon greeting | |
Bais sisolom | late morning and early afternoon greeting | |
Ombais sisolom | late morning and early afternoon greeting | |
Gompya sisolom | late morning and early afternoon greeting | |
Piag sisolom |
late morning and early afternoon greeting |
Molongas tasondow | noontime greeting | |
Ombais tasondow | noontime greeting | |
Gompya tasondow | noontime greeting | |
Piag tasondow | noontime greeting | |
Molongas lalabong | late afternoon and early evening greeting | |
Ombais lalabong | late afternoon and early evening greeting | |
Gompya delabong | late afternoon and early evening greeting | |
Piag delabong |
late afternoon and early evening greeting |
Molongas gobi | evening greeting | |
Ombais gobi | evening greeting | |
Gompya gobi | evening greeting | |
Piag gobi |
evening greeting |
Ayen ka posungu'? | greeting to a person going somewhere, "where are you going?" | |
Posungu' u dioyo | reply to Ayen ka pasungo, "I am going there" | |
Sagya u mikpanowpanow | reply to Ayen ka pasungo, "I am just walking" | |
Posungu' u ditu' niu | reply to Ayen ka pasungo, "I am going to your place" | |
Ayen ka tidow? | welcome greeting to a person arriving, "where are you coming from?" | |
Subtiaba [sut] (Nicaragua: León.) | ||
Cuasculá tahó |
general greeting spoken to a man |
Cuasculá nuhó | general greeting spoken to a woman | |
Cuasculá ni di calá tahó |
morning greeting spoken to a man |
Cuasculá ni dí calá nuhó | morning greeting spoken to a woman | |
Cuasculá ni guaquída la tahó | afternoon greeting spoken to a man | |
Cuasculá ni guaquída la nuhó | afternoon greeting spoken to a woman | |
Cuasculá guáju íscá lá tahó? | how are you? spoken to a man | |
Misñá la tahó iscamalayó | reply to Cuasculá guáju íscá lá tahó | |
Cuasculá guáju íscá lá nuhó? | how are you? spoken to a woman | |
Dáta guáju lá tahó | welcome greeting spoken to a man ("come inside, sir") | |
Dáta guáju lá nuhó | welcome greeting spoken to a woman ("come inside, ma'am") | |
Sudest [tgo] (Papua New Guinea: Milne Bay.) | ||
Ago laghɨye | general greeting, "thank you very much" | |
Angg a uwa? | where are you going? | |
Sudovian [xsv] (Lithuania.) | ||
Kails | general greeting | |
Kailas | general greeting | |
Laban deinan | general daytime greeting | |
Kailas anksteinai | morning greeting | |
Laban bētan | evening greeting | |
Laban vakran | evening greeting | |
Laban naktin | nighttime greeting | |
Kai jūmas eit? | how are you? | |
Sparts laban | reply to Kai jūmas eit | |
Denkauj, sparts laban | reply to Kai jūmas eit | |
Denkauja, spartas laban | reply to Kai jūmas eit | |
Suarmin [seo] (Papua New Guinea: Sandaun Province.) | ||
Orbai inilibu | morning greeting | |
Udasibobu | afternoon greeting | |
Udasibo ineli | nighttime greeting | |
Suena [sue] (Papua New Guinea: Morobe Province.) | ||
Oro |
general greeting |
Pina koko | morning greeting (literal translation from English) | |
O ma waya | honorific greeting spoken to one person | |
O ma eto | honorific greeting spoken to two people | |
O ma kaya | honorific greeting spoken to a group | |
Sukuma [suk] (Tanzania.) | ||
Gawiza baba | general greeting spoken to a man | |
Gawiza mayu | general greeting spoken to a woman | |
Galama | general greeting | |
Iminza | greeting spoken to an older person (Sukuma Chiefdom) | |
Inkwimba | greeting spoken to an older person (Kwimba Chiefdom) | |
Ng'wa baba | reply to Inkwimba spoken to a man | |
Ng'wa maya | reply to Inkwimba spoken to a woman | |
Ng'wa guku | reply to Inkwimba | |
Ng'wangaluka baba | morning greeting spoken to a man | |
Ng'wangaluka mayu | morning greeting spoken to a woman | |
Ng'wa misha gamhola? | morning greeting, "how did you wake up?" | |
Ng'wa misha kinehe? | morning greeting, "how did you wake up?" | |
Mhola | reply to Ng'wa misha gamhola | |
Ng'wadila gawisa | afternoon greeting | |
Ng'wadila baba | afternoon greeting spoken to a man | |
Ng'wadila mayu | afternoon greeting spoken to a woman | |
Ng'watukija ki? | how are you? | |
Ng'watwima ki? | how are you? | |
Uli mhola? | how are you? spoken to one person | |
Nali mhola | reply to Uli mhola | |
Mhola du | reply to Uli mhola | |
Mli mhola? | how are you? spoken to a group | |
Tuli mhola | reply to Mli mhola | |
Ullihaya kinehe? | how are you? informal | |
Kinehe? | how are you? informal | |
Tulihoyi | welcome greeting | |
Walama | general greeting spoken in the Gwe dialect [suk-gwe] | |
Mwadela | general greeting in the Shinyanga dialect | |
Sukur [syk] (Nigeria: Adamawa State.) | ||
A vay kwa? | morning greeting | |
Baha vay wa? | morning greeting | |
Sulka [sua] (Papua New Guinea: East New Britain.) | ||
Marot | morning greeting | |
Kya kolkha | noontime greeting | |
Mavlemas | afternoon greeting | |
Masegain | nighttime greeting | |
Sumbwa [suw] (Tanzania: Shinyanga region.) | ||
Mwangaluka | general greeting | |
Sumerian [sux] (Iraq, 4000 BC to 100 AD.) | ||
Silim | general greeting | |
Silima ḫemen | how are you? (are you healthy?), spoken to one person | |
Silima ḫemenden | how are you? (are you healthy?), spoken to a group | |
Sunda [sun] (Indonesia: Java.) | ||
Wilujeng enjing | morning greeting | |
Wilujeng siang | afternoon greeting | |
Wilujeng sonten | evening greeting | |
Wilujeng wengi | nighttime greeting | |
Kumaha damang? | how are you? | |
Damang | reply to Kumaha damang | |
Sae | reply to Kumaha damang | |
Sampurasun | general greeting | |
Rampes | reply to Sampurasun | |
Assalamu 'alaikum | general greeting used by Muslims | |
Wa'alaikum salam | reply to Assalamu 'alaikum | |
Wilujeng sumping | welcome greeting | |
Sunwar [suz] (Nepal: Janakpur and Sagarmatha zones.) | ||
Namasewal | general greeting | |
Seu | informal greeting | |
'Dodɛb bāˀŋɛ? | how are you? | |
Goi 'dodɛb bāˀŋɛ? | how are you? | |
Goi tɛk lənlən bāˀŋɛ? | where are you going? | |
Tɛkgɛ ləšyo? | where are you going? | |
Tɛkla dzāˀšyo? | where have you come from? | |
Surigaonon [sgd] (Philippines: Surigao.) | ||
Marajao na adlaw | general greeting | |
Marajao na buntag | morning greeting | |
Marajao na hapon | afternoon greeting | |
Marajao na duyom | evening greeting | |
Kamusta? | how are you? | |
Susquehannock [sqn] (United States of America: Ohio and West Virginia.) | ||
Skênö' | general greeting | |
Hae' | general greeting | |
Hau' | general greeting | |
Kuwe | general greeting | |
Aaskënö'kêôk | general greeting | |
Kuwe swakwékö | general greeting spoken to a group of people | |
Hae' swakwékö | general greeting spoken to a group of people | |
Niyáwë skênö'? | how are you? | |
Niyáwë skênö' | reply to Niyáwë skênö' | |
Skênö' nae? | how are you? | |
Skênö' ti nae? | how are you? | |
Ê', skênö' | reply to Skênö' nae and Skênö' ti nae | |
Túkës | reply to Skênö' nae and Skênö' ti nae | |
Të'ë niyutyéê? | how are you? | |
Susu [sus] (Guinea.) | ||
I nu wali | general greeting spoken to one person | |
Wo nu wali | general greeting spoken to a group of people | |
I kena | morning greeting spoken to one person | |
Wo kena | morning greeting spoken to a group of people | |
I fenyen | afternoon greeting spoken to one person | |
Wo fenyen | afternoon greeting spoken to a group of people | |
I nunmare | evening greeting spoken to one person | |
Wo nunmare | evening greeting spoken to a group of people | |
Iyo | reply to I nu wali, I kena, I fenyen, and I nunmare | |
Ahan | reply to I nu wali, I kena, I fenyen, and I nunmare | |
Tana mu na? | how are you? | |
Tana yo mu na | reply to Tana mu na | |
Tana mu xi? | how are you? in the morning | |
Tana yo mu xi | reply to Tana mu xi | |
Tana mu fenyen? | how are you? in the afternoon | |
Tana yo mu fenyen | reply to Tana mu fenyen | |
Svan [sva] (Georgia: Svanetia.) | ||
ხოჩა ლადეღ | khocha ladegh: general greeting | |
ხოჩა ნებოზ | khocha neboz: evening greeting | |
იმჟი ხარიდ? | imzhi khari: how are you? | |
მაგვარდ ხარიდ? | magvart kharid: how are you? | |
მაგვარდ ხარი? | magvart khari: how are you? | |
ხოჩამდ ხვარი | khochamd khvari: reply to მაგვარდ ხარიდ and მაგვარდ ხარი | |
ხოჩამდ | khochamd: reply to მაგვარდ ხარიდ and მაგვარდ ხარი | |
ეზარდ | ezard: reply to მაგვარდ ხარიდ and მაგვარდ ხარი | |
Swabian [swg] (Germany: Bavaria.) | ||
Grüß Gott | general greeting | |
Griaß Godd | general greeting | |
Grißgodd | general greeting | |
's Godd | general greeting | |
H |
general greeting | |
Môrga | morning greeting | |
Goda Môrga | morning greeting | |
Guata Môrga | morning greeting | |
Guata Aubad | evening greeting | |
Godanôôwad | evening greeting | |
Nôôwad | evening greeting | |
N'ôbed | evening greeting | |
N'ôbat | evening greeting | |
Gut Nacht | nighttime greeting | |
Wia gôhts? | how are you? | |
Emmr viel Gschäft | reply to Wia gôhts | |
© 1995 - 2014 by Jennifer Runner. http://users.elite.net/runner/jennifers/ | ||
Swahili [swh] (Kenya, Tanzania, and various other countries throughout southeastern Africa.) | ||
Habari bwana | general greeting spoken to a man | |
Habari bibi | general greeting spoken to a woman | |
Habari mzee | general greeting spoken to an elder man | |
Habari mama | general greeting spoken to an elder woman | |
Habari za asubuhi | morning greeting | |
Habari ya asubuhi | morning greeting | |
Habari za mchana | afternoon greeting | |
Habari ya mchana | afternoon greeting | |
Habari za jioni | evening greeting | |
Habari ya jioni | evening greeting | |
Habari yako? | how are you? | |
Nzuri | reply to all greetings that begin with Habari | |
Mzuri | reply to all greetings that begin with Habari spoken in Kenya | |
Hujambo bwana | general greeting spoken to a man | |
Hujambo bibi | general greeting spoken to a woman | |
Hujambo mzee | general greeting spoken to an elder man | |
Hujambo mama | general greeting spoken to an elder woman | |
Sijambo bwana | reply to Hujambo spoken to a man | |
Sijambo bibi | reply to Hujambo spoken to a woman | |
Sijambo mzee | reply to Hujambo spoken to an elder man | |
Sijambo mama | reply to Hujambo spoken to an elder woman | |
Hamjambo mabwana | general greeting spoken to a group of men | |
Hamjambo mabibi | general greeting spoken to a group of women | |
Hatujambo bwana | reply to Hamjambo spoken to a man | |
Hatujambo bibi | reply to Hamjambo spoken to a woman | |
Hatujambo mzee | reply to Hamjambo spoken to an elder man | |
Hatujambo mama | reply to Hamjambo spoken to an elder woman | |
Jambo | greeting spoken to tourists or by tourists (simplified version of the greetings above) | |
Karibu | welcome greeting spoken to one person | |
Karibuni | welcome greeting spoken to a group | |
Salama | greeting spoken in passing | |
Shikamoo mzee | greeting spoken to an elder man (literally, "elder") | |
Shikamoo babu | greeting spoken to an elder man (literally, "grandfather" | |
Shikamoo baba | greeting spoken to an elder man (literally "father") | |
Shikamoo bibi | greeting spoken to an elder woman, used in Tanzania (literally, "grandmother") | |
Shikamoo nyanya | greeting spoken to an elder woman, used in Kenya (literally, "grandmother") | |
Shikamoo mama | greeting spoken to an elder woman (literally, "mother") | |
Marahaba | greeting spoken by elder men and women | |
Asalaamu alekum | greeting spoken by Muslims | |
Wa alekum salaam | reply to Asalaamu alekum | |
Vipi sasa? | how are you? informal (literally, "how now?") | |
Sasa? | how are you? informal (literally, "now?") | |
Mambo? | how are you? informal (literally, "thngs?") | |
Fit | reply to Sasa and Mambo | |
Poa | reply to Sasa and Mambo (literally, "cool") | |
Safi | reply to Sasa and Mambo (literally, "clean") | |
Chechei | greeting spoken in the Pemba dialect of Kenya [swh-pem] | |
Hamuyambo | greeting spoken to a group of people in the Bajuni dialect [swh-baj] | |
Wambaje | greeting spoken in the Unguja dialect of Tanzania [swh-ung] | |
Swahili, Congo [swc] (Democratic Republic of the Congo.) | ||
Yambo | general greeting spoken in the Kingwana dialect [swc-itu] | |
Yambo sana | reply to Yambo spoken in the Kingwana dialect [swc-itu] | |
Abari? | how are you? spoken in the Kingwana dialect [swc-itu] | |
Abari kani? | how are you? spoken in the Kingwana dialect [swc-itu] | |
Abari muzuri | reply to Abari and Abari kani spoken in the Kingwana dialect [swc-itu] | |
Swati [ssw] (Swaziland.) | ||
Sawubona | general greeting spoken to one person | |
Sanibonani | general greeting spoken to a group of people | |
Sawubona emini | afternoon greeting spoken to one person | |
Sanibonani emini | afternoon greeting spoken to a group of people | |
Nco nco nco | greeting used when entering a house | |
Yebo | reply to Sawubona, Sanibonani, Sawubona emini, Sanibonani emini, and Nco | |
Kunjani? | how are you? to one person | |
Unjani? | how are you? to one person | |
Ninjani? | how are you? to a group of people | |
Nijani? | how are you? to a group of people | |
Kulungile | reply to Kunjani, Unjani, Ninjani, and Nijani | |
Ngikhona | reply to Kunjani and Unjani | |
Sikhona | reply to Ninjani and Nijani | |
Ngiyaphila | reply to Kunjani and Unjani | |
Siyaphila | reply to Ninjani and Nijani | |
Swedish [swe] (Sweden and Finland.) | ||
Hej | informal greetnig | |
Hejsan | informal greeting | |
Hallå | informal greeting | |
Morsning | informal greeting | |
Tja | informal greeting | |
Tjenare | informal greeting | |
Tjena | informal greeting | |
Tjabba | informal greeting | |
God dag | formal greeting | |
God morgon | morning greeting | |
Hur är det? | how are you? | |
Hur är det med dig? | how are you? | |
Det är bra | reply to Hur är det and Hur är det med dig | |
Tack, det är bra | reply to Hur är det and Hur är det med dige | |
Hur är läget? | how are you? | |
Hur står det till? | how are you? | |
Hur har du det? | how are you? | |
Hur mår du? | how are you?, how are you feeling? | |
Jag mår bra | reply to Hur mår du | |
Tack, jag mår bra | reply to Hur mår du | |
Bra, tack | reply to Hur är det, Hur står det till, Hur har du det, and Hur mår du | |
Välkommen | welcome greeting | |
God middag | noontime and early afternoon greeting (formal, not often used) | |
God eftermiddag | afternoon and evening greeting (formal, not often used) | |
God kväll | evening greeting (formal, not often used) | |
Morjens | informal greeting spoken in Swedish-speaking areas of Finland [swe-eas] | |
Góðdag | general greeting in the Dalmål [swe-dlc] dialect (used in Dalecarlia) | |
Góðmorgun | morning greetingin the Dalmål [swe-dlc] dialect (used in Dalecarlia) | |
Góðnát | nighttime greeting in the Dalmål [swe-dlc] dialect (used in Dalecarlia) | |
Høj | informal greeting in the Dalmål [swe-dlc] dialect (used in Dalecarlia) | |
Hallå | general greeting in the Skånska [swe-scy] dialect (Scania region) | |
Go'da | daytime greeting in the Skånska [swe-scy] dialect (Scania region) | |
Go'maren | morning greeting in the Skånska [swe-scy] dialect (Scania region) | |
Go'aften | afternoon greeting in the Skånska [swe-scy] dialect (Scania region) | |
Go'mon | morning greeting in the Jönköping dialect of Småland | |
Go'da | general daytime greeting in the Jönköping dialect of Småland | |
Go'medda | midday greeting in the Jönköping dialect of Småland | |
Go'afton | afternoon greeting in the Jönköping dialect of Småland | |
Go'natt | nighttime greeting in the Jönköping dialect of Småland | |
Go'daa | daytime greeting in the Götamål dialect of Värmland | |
Höss äremäre? | how are you? in the Götamål dialect of Värmland | |
Sylheti [syl] (India.) | ||
Aslamalikhum | general greeting used by Muslims | |
Shubho shokal | morning greeting | |
Shubh shondha | evening greeting | |
Bala aso ni? | how are you? | |
Bala asoin ni? | how are you? | |
Bhala asi | reply to Bala aso ni and Bala asoin ni | |
Shukhur Allaar | reply to Bala aso ni and Bala asoin ni | |
Syriac [syc] (Turkey. Iraq.) | ||
Shlom leck | general greeting in the West Syriac dialect of Iraq | |
Shlomo | general greeting | |
Shaino | general greeting | |
Safro tobo | morning greeting | |
Brikh safro | morning greeting | |
Ramsho tobo | evening greeting | |
Brikh ramsho | evening greeting | |
Lalyo tobo | nighttime greeting | |
Dekhiyat? | how are you? | |
Bshaino ethait | welcome greeting | |
Brikh methyokh | welcome greeting | |
© 1995 - 2017 Jennifer Runner. All rights reserved. |
Jennifer's Language Pages
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Greetings in more than 3000 languages To find a specific language, click on the first letter of the language's name. [A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G] [H] [I] [J] [K] [L] [M] [N] [O] [P] [Q] [R] [S] [T] [U] [V] [W] [X] [Y] [Z]
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© 1995 - 2017 Jennifer Runner. All rights reserved. Last updated on August 1, 2017. |