© 1995 - 2014 by Jennifer Runner. http://users.elite.net/runner/jennifers/ | ||
Uab Meto [aoz] (Indonesia: Timor and Nuso Tenggara.) | ||
Tabe' | general greeting | |
Halo | general greeting | |
Selamat pagi | morning greeting | |
Selamat siang | afternoon greeting | |
Selamat sore | evening greeting | |
Selamat malam | nighttime greeting | |
Onmé? | how are you? | |
Noe me? | greeting to a person who is going somewhere, "where are you going?" | |
Tkoenoktém | welcome greeting | |
Ubaghara [byc] (Nigeria: Akampka LGA.) | ||
Araima | morning greeting | |
Araima ureme | morning greeting spoken to a friend | |
Ubir [ubr] (Papua New Guinea: Oro Province.) | ||
Tuf aurim inama | general greeting | |
Uda [uda] (Nigeria: lower Cross River region.) | ||
Alla | morning greeting | |
Udi [udi] (Azerbaijan: Oghuz.) | ||
Чахчоьк | čaxčök: general greeting | |
Чахкоьк | čaxkök: general greeting | |
Хеиркъанбаки | xeirkanbaki: general greeting | |
Березарин хеир | berezarin xeir: general daytime greeting | |
Савах хеир | savah xeir: morning greeting | |
Сабахеир | sabaxeir: morning greeting, informal | |
Бийаьс хеир | biyäs xeir: evening greeting | |
Гьетаьрну? | ğetarnu: how are you? spoken to one person | |
Дирист|бака, шагьат|зу | diristbaka, šağatzu: reply to Гьетаьрну | |
Гьетаьрнан? | ğetarnan: how are you? spoken to a group | |
Дирист|бака, шагьат|йан | diristbaka, šağatyan: reply to Гьетаьрнан | |
Таьзаь хавар тенебу? | taza havar tenebu: how are you?, "what's new?" | |
Гьик|аьбу гьик|аь тенебу | glikabu gika tenebu: how are you?, "what's new?" | |
К|аьву каьтейаву | kavu kateyabu: how are you?, "what's new?" | |
Агъатхеир | ağatxeir: welcome greeting | |
Къонагъ бака | q'onağ baka: welcome greeting spoken to a guest | |
Усумун гьари | usumun ğari: welcome greeting spoken to one person | |
Усумнан гьари | usumnan ğari: welcome greeting spoken to a group | |
Ubykh [uby] (Turkey: Haci Osmsan village.) | ||
Селам алейкум | selam alaykum: general greeting used by Muslims | |
Ваалейкум асселам | vaaleykum asselam: reply to Селам алейкум | |
Дгьэулєтый? | dğawla'tıj: how are you? | |
Дгьолєтый? | dğola'tıj: how are you? | |
Udihe [ude] (Russia: Siberia.) | ||
Багдыфи |
bagdifi: general greeting in the southern dialect |
Солоде |
solodie: general greeting in the northern dialect |
Udmurt [udm] (Russia: Udmurtia.) | ||
Ӟеч буресь |
ziech buries: general greeting |
Ӟеч бур |
ziech bur: informal greeting |
Чырткем | chyrtkiem: general greeting | |
Чырткемесь | chyrtkiemies: general greeting | |
Ӟеч нуналэн | ziech nunalen: general greeting | |
Ӟеч ӵукнаен |
ziech chuknayen: morning greeting |
Выль чукнаен |
byl chuknayen: morning greeting |
Ӟеч ӝытень |
ziech zhytien: evening greeting |
Бур ӝытень |
bur zhytien: evening greeting |
Кыӵе ужъёсты? |
kychie uzhyosty: how are you? |
Кызьы улӥськоды? |
kyzy uliskody: how are you? |
Умой |
umoi: reply to Кыӵе ужъёсты |
Тау, умой |
tau umoi: reply to Кыӵе ужъёсты |
Тау, номыр öвöл |
tau nomyr övöl: reply to Кыӵе ужъёсты |
Гажаса öтиськом |
gazhasa ötis'kom: welcome greeting |
Ugaritic [uga] (Syria.) | ||
Yšlm lk | general greeting | |
Yšlm lk, ilm tġrk tšlmk | general greeting | |
Ughele [uge] (Solomon Islands: Rendova Island.) | ||
Leana | general greeting | |
Vei lao ghoi? | where are you going? spoken to one person | |
Vei lao ghamu? | where are you going? spoken to a group | |
Pa vei mai mu ghoi? | where are you coming from? spoken to one person | |
Pa vei mai mu ghamu? | where are you coming from? spoken to a group | |
© 1995 - 2014 by Jennifer Runner. http://users.elite.net/runner/jennifers/ | ||
Ugong [ugo] (Thailand: Kanchanaburi and Suphanaburi.) | ||
Nàwng a náwng kàwwê? | greeting to a person who is going somewhere, "where are you going?" | |
A náwng kàwwê? | greeting to a person who is going somewhere, "where are you going?" | |
Ngá kawíng di-o | greeting spoken by a visitor, "I have come to visit" | |
Kawíng di-o | greeting spoken by a visitor, "I have come to visit" | |
Mang sa lá? | greeting spoken to a visitor, "have you eaten?" | |
Mang sí hke | reply to Mang sa lá, "I have eaten" | |
Ukaan [kcf] (Nigeria.) | ||
Bɛ́ tóː | general greeting | |
Ukrainian [ukr] (Ukraine.) | ||
Привіт | privit: general greeting | |
Вітаю |
vitayu: general greeting | |
Здоровенькі | zdorovenki: general greeting | |
Здорово | zdorovo: general greeting | |
Здоров був | zdorov buv: general greeting | |
Здрастуй | zdrastui: informal greeting | |
Доброго здоров'я | dobroho zdorovya: formal greeting | |
Добрий день |
dobriy den: general daytime greeting | |
Добридень | dobriden: informal daytime greeting | |
Доброго ранку | dobroho ranku: morning greeting spoken in the eastern dialect | |
Добрий ранок |
dobriy ranok: morning greeting spoken in the western and diaspora dialects | |
Доброго дня | dobroho dnia: afternoon greeting | |
Добрий вечір |
dobriy vechir: evening greeting | |
Доброго вечора | dobroho vechora: evening greeting | |
Як почуваєте себе? | yak pochuvayete sebe: how are you? formal spoken in the eastern dialect | |
Як почуваєш себе? | yak pochuvayesh sebe: how are you? informal spoken in the eastern dialect | |
Як себе почуваєш? | yak sebe pochuvayesh: how are you? informal spoken in the eastern dialect | |
Як почуваєшся? | yak pochuvayeshsya: how are you? formal spoken in the eastern dialect | |
Як ти поживаєш? | yak ti pochuvayete: how are you? formal spoken in the eastern dialect | |
Як ви поживаєте? | yak vi pochuvayesh: how are you? informal spoken in the eastern dialect | |
Добре | dobre: reply to Як ти поживаєш and Як ви поживаєте | |
Добре, дякую | dobre dyakuyu: reply to Як ти поживаєш and Як ви поживаєте | |
У мене все гаразд, дякую | u mene vse garazd dyakuyu: reply to Як ти поживаєш and Як ви поживаєте | |
Нормально | normalno: reply to Як ти поживаєш and Як ви поживаєте | |
Як справи? | yak spravi: how are you? informal | |
Як ся маєш? | yak sya mayesh: how are you? spoken in the western dialect | |
Дай Боже щастя | dai bozhe shchastya: greeting to a person working, spoken in the western dialect | |
Боже помагай | bozhe pomagai: greeting to a person working, spoken in the eastern dialect | |
Ласкаво просимо | laskavo prosimo: welcome greeting | |
Вітаємо | vitayemo: welcome greeting | |
Ukwuani Aboh Ndoni [ukw] (Nigeria.) | ||
Daile' | general greeting in the Ukwuani dialect | |
Ulch [ulc] (Russia: Siberia.) | ||
Сородэ | sorode: general greeting | |
Сородэ, андасали | sorode andasali: greeting spoken to a friend | |
Хони бису? | honi bisu: how are you? | |
Хон-ка балдису? | honka baldisu: how are you? | |
Улэ бипу | ule bisu: reply to Хони бису, "I'm fine" | |
Улэ ая бипу | ule aya bisu: reply to Хони бису, "I'm fine" | |
Кэси банха, улэ бипу | kesi banha, ule bisu: reply to Хони бису, "thank you, I'm fine" | |
Аяд'и бису? | ayad'i bisu: how are you? | |
Эну ана бису? | enu ana bisu: how are you? | |
Эну ана-ка бису? | enu anaka bisu: how are you? | |
Динг улэн-дэ бисе | ding ulende bise: reply to Эну ана-ка бису | |
Хай мэдэ? | hai mede: what's new? | |
Хай алду? | hai aldu: what's new? | |
Ulithian [uli] (Micronesia.) | ||
Adiyoos | general greeting | |
Mwommwaay llemaaeliyel | morning greeting | |
Ho sa haitfah? | how are you? | |
Sa fait? | how are you? | |
Faaoroey choeg | reply to Ho sa haitfah and Sa fait | |
Ichiil faaoroey choeg | reply to Ho sa haitfah and Sa fait | |
Taor ichiil faaoroey choeg | reply to Ho sa haitfah and Sa fait | |
Madae kofamw? | how are you? | |
Yamamai lal? | how are you? | |
Ho be loagh ya? | greeting spoken to a person who is going somewhere, "where are you going?" | |
Buudoh hobe mongoay | welcome greeting, literally "come in and eat" | |
Ulwa [ulw] (Nicaragua and Honduras.) | ||
Ampa man? | how are you? | |
Naksa | general greeting | |
Yampara | general greeting | |
Lau man | general greeting | |
Lau man pih? | how are you? | |
Uma [ppk] (Indonesia: Sulawesi.) | ||
Wori' tabe | general greeting | |
Salamat pagi | morning greeting (from Indonesian) | |
Salamat sore | afternoon greeting (from Indonesian) | |
Lou lau ko? | where are you going? | |
Ngkaiapa ta? | where are you coming from? spoken to an adult | |
Ngkaiapa ko? | where are you coming from? spoken to a child | |
Rei moto koi, pue' tomi? | greeting spoken when approaching a house, "is anyone home?" | |
Oi moto kai | reply to Rei moto koi, pue' tomi | |
Tumai mencua' a | greeting spoken by a visitor, "I've come to visit" | |
Ngkahe' tomi | welcome greeting, "come in" | |
Hura mi | welcome greeting, "have a seat" | |
Mohura | welcome greeting, "have a seat" | |
Umanakaina [gdn] (Papua New Guinea: Milne Bay Province.) | ||
Kaiwa kaiwa | general greeting | |
Umatilla [uma] (United States of America: Oregon.) | ||
Niix pačway | general greeting | |
Niix pačway iimxama | general greeting spoken to a group of friends | |
Niix maicqi | morning greeting | |
Niix thlkwii | afternoon greeting | |
Niix kwlauit | evening greeting | |
Niix sčat | nighttime greeting | |
Niix sup't | nighttime greeting | |
Umbundu [umb] (Angola, Namibia.) | ||
Kalunga | general greeting spoken to one person | |
Kalungi | general greeting spoken to a group | |
Walale | morning greeting spoken to one person when you see him for the first time that day | |
Walali | morning greeting spoken to a group when you see them for the first time that day | |
Wosala? | morning greeting spoken to one person | |
Wosala ndati? | morning greeting spoken to one person | |
Ame ndosala ciwa | reply to Wosala and Wosala ndati | |
Wosali? | morning greeting spoken to a group | |
Tosala | reply to Wosali | |
Walale ndati? | morning greeting | |
Ame ndalale ciwa | reply to Walale ndati | |
Walale-po ciwa? | morning greeting | |
Hë, ndalale | reply to Walale-po ciwa | |
Hë, ndalale nda l'ove | reply to Walale-po ciwa | |
Wakola-po ciwa? | how are you? | |
Hë, ndakola-po ciwa | reply to Wakola-po ciwa | |
Hë, ndakola-po nda l'ove | reply to Wakola-po ciwa | |
Kuambe? | how are you? informal | |
Uiza kiambote | welcome greeting | |
Tanaku | welcome greeting | |
Tanenuku | welcome greeting | |
Tuatondela | welcome greeting | |
Umbu-Ungu [ubu] (Papua New Guinea: Western Highlands Province.) | ||
Okonoye? | greeting to a person arriving | |
Okombeleye? |
how are you? |
Unami [unm] (United States of America: Delaware and Oklahoma.) | ||
Hè | general greeting | |
Kwapanacheen | morning greeting | |
Kwapanacheen hummo | morning greeting | |
Kulakween | evening greeting | |
Kulakween hummo | evening greeting | |
Kulamalsi hach? |
how are you? | |
Kulamalsihëmo hach? | how are you? | |
Nulamalsi | reply to Kulamalsi hach | |
Nulamalsihëna | reply to Kulamalsihëmo hach | |
Osomi | reply to Kulamalsi hach and Kulamalsihëmo hach | |
Kwangomel | older greeting (no longer used) | |
Kwangomel wemiak | older greeting spoken to a group of people (no longer used) | |
Itah | older greeting (no longer used) | |
Uneapa [bbn] (Papua New Guinea: Unea Island in West New Britain Province.) | ||
Damapeita | morning greeting | |
Uneme [une] (Nigeria: Edo State.) | ||
Vhagbe rano | morning greeting | |
Agbe no | morning greeting | |
Kinako | evening greeting | |
Marota | welcome greeting | |
© 1995 - 2014 by Jennifer Runner. http://users.elite.net/runner/jennifers/ | ||
Unubahe [unu] (Papua New Guinea: Gumini village in Milne Bay Province.) | ||
Maimaitaya hofihofina | morning greeting | |
Mahana hofihofina | daytime greeting | |
Awabuawabuli hofihofina | afternoon greeting | |
Waduwaduga hofihofina | evening greeting | |
Urak Lawoi' [urk] (Thailand: Phuket and Langta islands.) | ||
Kaɲaq pi diha? | where are you going? | |
Urarina [ura] (Peru.) | ||
Janohara | morning greeting | |
Iaen turuanu | greeting spoken by a person arriving | |
Eeen, iaen turui | reply to Iaen turuanu | |
Urat [urt] (Papua New Guinea: East Sepik Province.) | ||
N'donge m'bure | morning greeting | |
Ngau m'bure | midday greeting | |
Yungiris m'bure | afternoon greeting | |
Miye m'bure | evening greeting | |
Ayai ngam | greeting spoken to a respected man | |
Amai ngam | greeting spoken to a respected woman | |
Urdu [urd] (India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh.) | ||
سلام | salaam: general greeting | |
سلام علیکم | asalaam aleikum: general greeting | |
السلام عليكم | salaam aleikum: general greeting | |
وعليكم السلام | walaikum salaam: reply to سلام علیکم and السلام عليكم | |
صبح بخیر | subha ba khair: morning greeting | |
کیا حال ہے |
kya hal hai: how are you? | |
میں ٹھیک ہوں | main theek hun: reply to کیا حال ہے | |
میں ٹھیک ہوں،شکر یہ | main theek hun shukriya: reply to کیا حال ہے | |
سلام علیکم |
khush amdeed: welcome greeting | |
Urhobo [urh] (Nigeria.) | ||
Mĩguẹ | greeting spoken to an elder, "I am on my knees" | |
Mĩguẹ o | greeting spoken to an elder, "I am on my knees" | |
Vrẹ, do | reply to Mĩguẹ and Mĩguẹ o | |
Deguo | greeting spoken to an elder, "I am on my knees" | |
Boma do | reply to Deguo, "stand up" | |
Do | general greeting | |
E, mĩguẹ o | reply to Do spoken to an elder | |
E, do | reply to Do spoken to a younger person | |
Mavo? | how are you? | |
Oyoma | reply to Mavo | |
Dedee | welcome greeting spoken after a long absence | |
Wa rhire? | greeting spoken to one person after a short absence | |
Wa do | greeting spoken to one person after a short absence | |
Wo rhire? | greeting spoken to a group after a short absence | |
Wo do | greeting spoken to a group after a short absence | |
E | reply to Wa rhire, Wa do, Wo rhire, and Wo do | |
Urigina [urg] (Papua New Guinea: Madang Province.) | ||
ʔoŋsiŋgani | morning greeting | |
ʔokipiou | afternoon greeting | |
ʔokis | nighttime greeting | |
Urim [uri] (Papua New Guinea: East Sepik Province.) | ||
Kitn rpma? | greeting spoken by a visitor, "are you there?" | |
Kitn kai anong ahi? | where are you going? | |
Kitn wet angkai ai wuli? | where are you coming from? | |
Uripiv-Wala-Rano-Atchin [upv] (Vanuatu.) | ||
Eres | general greeting in the Tautu dialect ("good") | |
Erres | general greeting in the Uripiv dialect ("good") | |
Ipij meteveren | morning greeting in the Tape dialect | |
Eres rolbong | morning greeting in the Tautu dialect | |
Eres natanbong | evening greeting in the Tautu dialect | |
Er pese? | how are you? in the Tautu dialect | |
Uru [ure] (Bolivia: Oruro.) | ||
Epalai | morning greeting in the Ancoaqui dialect | |
Shesi | evening greeting in the Ancoaqui dialect | |
Chuñikasikai? | how are you? in the Ancoaqui dialect | |
Chuñikasicha wiski | reply to Chuñikasikai in the Ancoaqui dialect | |
Walikase | general greeting in the Carangas dialect | |
Hapya | morning greeting in the Polo dialect | |
Sekese sinchilita | nighttime greeting in the Polo dialect | |
Urum [uum] (Georgia. Ukraine.) | ||
Селам | selam: general greeting used in the Staryi Krym and Granitne dialects | |
Алейкем селам | aleikem selam: reply to Селам in the Staryi Krym dialect | |
Алейким селам | aleikim selam: reply to Селам in the Staryi Krym dialect | |
Селам альт'им | selam alt'im: general greeting in the Starolapsa and Starognativka dialects | |
Альт'им селам | alt'im selam: reply to Селам альтˊим | |
Хош т'ельдин | xosh t'eldin: welcome greeting in Starobesheve, Pershotravneve, & Ulakli dialects | |
Хош т'ельдиниз | xosh t'eldiniz: welcome greeting in Starobesheve, Pershotravneve, & Ulakli dialects | |
Хош сефа д'ельдин | xosh sefa d'eldin: welcome greeting in the Starognativka and Komar dialects | |
Хош сефа д'ельдиниз | xosh sefa d'eldiniz: welcome greeting in the Starognativka and Komar dialects | |
Usarufa [usa] (Papua New Guinea: Eastern Highlands Province.) | ||
Kakedo abayanapi ne | morning greeting | |
Kakedo waga'e | midday greeting | |
Kekedo enai'kare | afternoon greeting | |
Kakedo nokane | nighttime greeting | |
Uspanteko [usp] (Guatemala: Las Pacayas.) | ||
Saqari'n |
general greeting | |
Saqariin | general greeting | |
Xoc ak'ab' | nighttime greeting | |
Chaach | respectful greeting used when speaking to older people | |
Tiqaya jun jtzil aawch |
formal greeting | |
Ute-Southern Paiute [ute] (United States of America: Colorado and Utah.) | ||
Maik'w |
general greeting |
Maik |
general greeting |
Mique wush tagooven |
general greeting | |
Ati'wichgusak | morning greeting | |
Ati'tog'otaváivinakwayak | afternoon greeting | |
Ati'tavayaakwiyak' | evening greeting | |
Manahóo | general greeting spoken in the Owens Valley (California) dialect | |
Hagaruajɨ? | how are you? in the Chemehuevi dialect | |
Uyghur [uig] (China and various countries in Central Asia.) | ||
Salam | general greeting | |
Assalamu alaykum | general greeting | |
Wa'alaykum assalam | reply to Assalamu alaykum | |
Attiganlikingiz khayrilik bolsun | morning greeting | |
Kachlikingiz khayrilik bolsun |
evening greeting | |
Yaxshimusiz? | how are you? | |
Qandaq ahwalingiz? | how are you? | |
Yaxshi | reply to Yaxshimusiz and Qandaq ahwalingiz | |
Tinchliqmu? | how are you? | |
Tinchliq | reply to Tinchilqmu | |
Qarshii alimiz | welcome greeting | |
Xush keldingiz | welcome greeting | |
Xush bolduk | reply to Xush keldingiz | |
Assilamu ilaykum | general greeting in the Turfan dialect | |
Wa alikum assilam | reply to Assilamu ilaykum | |
Qanday mijazliri? | how are you? in the Turfan dialect | |
Qandaq? | how are you? in teh Kashgar dialect | |
Aivalingiz? | how are you? in the Kashgar dialect | |
© 1995 - 2014 by Jennifer Runner. http://users.elite.net/runner/jennifers/ | ||
Uzbek, Northern [uzn] (Uzbekistan.) | ||
Assalomu alaykum | general greeting | |
Salomu alaykum | general greeting | |
Vaalaykum assalom | reply to Assalomu alaykum and Salomu alaykum | |
Vaalaykum assalom va rahmatullohi | reply to Assalomu alaykum and Salomu alaykum | |
Xayrli erta | morning greeting | |
Xayrli tong | morning greeting | |
Xayrli kun | afternoon greeting | |
Xayrli kech | evening greeting | |
Xayrli oqshom | evening greeting | |
Xayrli tun | nighttime greeting | |
Yaxshimisiz? | how are you? | |
Yaxshimisizlar? | how are you? | |
Qandaysiz? | how are you? | |
Qalaysiz? | how are you? informal | |
Ishlariz qalay? | how are you? | |
Ishlaringiz qalay? | how are you? | |
Ishlaringiz qanday? | how are you? | |
Ishlaringiz yaxshimi? | how are you? | |
Ahvolingiz qalay? | how are you? | |
Ahvolingiz qanday? | how are you? | |
Ahvollar yaxshimi? | how are you? | |
Ahvollar qalay? | how are you? | |
Omonmisiz? | how are you? used by women | |
Esonmisiz? | how are you? used by women | |
Yaxshi | reply to Yaxshimisiz, Ishlariz qalay, Ishalringez qalay, Ishlaringiz yaxshimi, etc. | |
Juda yaxshi | reply to Yaxshimisiz, Ishlariz qalay, Ishalringez qalay, Ishlaringiz yaxshimi, etc. | |
Rahmat, yaxshi | reply to Yaxshimisiz, Ishlariz qalay, Ishalringez qalay, Ishlaringiz yaxshimi, etc. | |
Rahmat, yaxshiman | reply to Yaxshimisiz, Ishlariz qalay, Ishalringez qalay, Ishlaringiz yaxshimi, etc. | |
Yomon emas | reply to Yaxshimisiz, Ishlariz qalay, Ishalringez qalay, Ishlaringiz yaxshimi, etc. | |
Xush kelibsiz | welcome greeting | |
Assalomaleykum | general greeting in the Tashkent dialect | |
Vaaleykim assalom | reply to Assalomaleykum | |
Yaxshimisila? | how are you? in the Tashkent dialect | |
Solulariyz yaxshimi? | how are you? in the Tashkent dialect | |
Qaleysis? | how are you? in the Tashkent dialect | |
Ishla yaxshimi? | how are you? in the Tashkent dialect | |
Salamaleykum | general greeting in the Khorezmcha dialect | |
Salam | general greeting used by men in the Khorezmcha dialect | |
Assalam | general greeting used by women in the Khorezmcha dialect | |
Nechiksiz? | how are you? in the Khorezmcha dialect | |
Yaxshe | reply to Nechiksiz and Yaxshimisiz in the Khorezmcha dialect | |
Yaxshe rahmad | reply to Nechiksiz and Yaxshimisiz in the Khorezmcha dialect | |
Uzbek, Southern [uzs] (Afghanistan.) | ||
السلام عليكم | assalom aleikom: general greeting | |
و عليكم السلام | va aleikom assalom: reply to السلام عليكم | |
و عليكم السلام ورحمة الله | va aleikom assalom va rahmatullohi: reply to السلام عليكم | |
و عليكم السلام ورحمة الله وبركاته | va aleikom assalom va rahmatullohi va barokatuh: reply to السلام عليكم | |
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله | assalom aleikom va rahmatullohi: general greeting | |
و عليكم السلام ورحمة الله | va aleikom assalom va rahmatullohi: reply to السلام عليكم ورحمة الله | |
و عليكم السلام ورحمة الله وبركاته | va aleikom assalom va raḥmatullohi wa barokatuh: reply to السلام عليكم | |
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته | assalom aleikom va rahmatullohi va barokatuh: general greeting | |
و عليكم السلام ورحمة الله وبركاته | va aleikom assalom va raḥmatullohi wa barokatuh: reply to السلام عليكم | |
Uzekwe [eze] (Nigeria: Cross River State.) | ||
Ere niang? | how are you? | |
Ani niang | how are you? | |
© 1995 - 2017 Jennifer Runner. All rights reserved. |
Jennifer's Language Pages
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Greetings in more than 3000 languages To find a specific language, click on the first letter of the language's name. [A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G] [H] [I] [J] [K] [L] [M] [N] [O] [P] [Q] [R] [S] [T] [U] [V] [W] [X] [Y] [Z]
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© 1995 - 2017 Jennifer Runner. All rights reserved. Last updated on July 18, 2017. |